Roan High, Mount Major etc, why do these get such high sweetspot progression levels?

When I compare the eFTP, IF average power and NP of workouts like Roan High which is rated Sweet spot 6.7 it much more like a level 4.8-5.3 sweet spot workout than level 6.7 and it feels like this too

Those sprints artificially inflate PL, it is known issue.

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Any discrepancies between RPE and Workout Level will be addressed when we update Adaptive Training with Workout Levels Version 2!

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Any news on a release date Sarah? Nate mentioned V&V was going well, but that was a good few podcasts ago

As much as I would love to, unfortunately, I can’t give you any specific timelines. I can confirm that it is going well and will be released in closed beta first to iron out any major wrinkles, then we’ll move to beta.

I can also confirm that it will be worth the wait! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: