Running Support What´s new since DC Rainmaker review


I am considering returning to TR and one thing that would make me decide would be to have some of the features that in this DC rainmaker article are mentioned as not yet available in running training.
As the article is from January 2023 I wonder if any of these items suggested by DC have been implemented in the meantime or if there have been any other significant changes in running training that would make me get the most out of the platform as a cyclist and runner?

TrainerRoad Officially Launches Running Support: Here’s How It Works | DC Rainmaker

"Back last summer, in my post, I made the below list of key things they’d need to check off in order to be successful in this realm. Here is that list, with a bolded list of whether it’s been completed or not.

A) Full in-app support for running analytics that mirrors their cycling bits [Complete]
B) Creating a catalog of running workouts with exact pace/power structure/steps (versus just perceived effort today) [Not complete]
C) Executing indoor (treadmill) in-app, blue bars and all [Not complete]
D) Pushing to Garmin/Wahoo/etc… for outdoor workouts (like they do for cycling today) [Not complete]
E) Integration between cycling and running training load (since it’s just your one body, having those two be cohesive is key) [Not complete]
F) Broader support for running devices. They need to connect to platforms like Suunto, COROS, Polar, and Apple Health (since Apple Watch soon has running power too). [Not complete]
G) Integration of Adaptive Training features for running [Not complete]"


What I would love to see first and foremost is the described in B, D, E and G.

No one knows if anything at all has been or is being adressed by TR?

Would be interested too in finding out about TR running programs and cycling integration. Any adaptive training capabilities when running with TR?

Hey there,

We don’t have anything run-specific on our roadmap at the moment. If we do in the future, we’ll be sure to post about it on the forum!


E - running load is taken into account for RLGL. People wanting rTSS to see this as complete are just misguided.

F - Is the device relevant if data flows through Strava?

G - running sessions do adapt


It’s not TreadmillRoad yet, I’m not sure that is their objective either. Might be better to understand what you want as a runner in order to advise you?


I’m only running 2 or 3 times a week to diversify my training while my big goals for the next cycling season, between April and June, are a long way off.
But obviously I’d like to integrate the effort of these running workouts with my cycling workouts to avoid injuries and that the cycling workouts at TR, if I use the app again, integrate this effort from the running workouts and take it into account when prescribing a plan for my cycling goals next year.


I think it’s good enough for those purposes, and it’ll warn you when you do too much run and bike.

Where it’s weaker is the run workouts, (B). I think the triathlon plan runs are an okay guide to time/effort, but I didn’t like the specifics when I did them five years ago.

If you’re running three times a week with TR cycling the only thing I would focus on is; runs that you want to do, that don’t impact the next bike workout. And RLGL is good for that second part.

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It would be great if you could do some sort of collaboration with Stryd and or Steve Palladino who has created a whole bunch of running plans based on power.