Anyone ever injured this?
I’ve had a winging scapular for quite some time and have been strengthening my serratus on and off.
The other day I think I pushed it a bit too hard, and have been in a fair bit of pain the last couple days. I feel really sore around my ribcage and towards my back / shoulder blade. Pretty much exactly where my SA is.
Yesterday it was hurting whenever I’d take a deep breath, it’s not quite as bad today but still pretty painful if I need to cough or clear my throat.
I’m hoping this will be one of those injuries that just requires rest for a few days but if anyone has any similar experiences it’d be good to hear! I’ve just been having ibuprofen since last night and taking it easy
What exercise were you doing? I feel like it would be fairly difficult to badly injure your serratus.
Also, unsolicited advice from a PT… scapular dyskinesis can involves more than serratus anterior and many people will benefit from strengthening low and mid trapezius and rhomboids. Other muscles can be overworking as well, such as upper trap and levator scap.
The rotator cuff muscles also play a role in how the shoulder joint moves as a whole.
Thanks for the replies, the exercise I was doing was a bit like this (except I was alternating arms with each rep) Forearm Plank Rotation - YouTube I was really protracting my shoulders in order to hit my serratus hard
The pain has calmed down a bit now although is still feeling pretty sure around my back… although it feels more like it’s under my shoulder blade, wouldn’t say it feels like my back muscles exactly
I’ve also been doing a lot of exercises for my rotator cuffs and lower traps
Thanks, do you think it might be worth me foam rolling / stretching my neck?
I strained my serratus anterior, looking at about 1-2 weeks of no working out. I tried riding the trainer with no hands but it makes the discomfort way worse. If anyone has had this injury, what was your timeline getting back? It hurts to sleep at night and raising my arm hurts, really not a fun injury.
I have an appointment with a PT in 2 weeks, it is damn near impossible to get an earlier appointment with how many people that have moved down here .
This sucks but I haven’t had real time off exercise in a long time so I guess it’s a good thing
Good luck with the injury/recovery.
I can’t really offer any specific insight to your specific circumstances but would caution against doing anything rash (pushing it too hard too soon) and, if you can, make sure that your diagnosis is sound.
I caught Covid in July 2022 which developed into viral neuritis (parsonage turner syndrome) which has left me with paralysis of the serratus anterior and partial paralysis of the supraspinatus in my right shoulder. It started with crippling pain in my shoulder which was initially diagnosed as a torn rotator cuff. The pain subsided after 2 to 3 weeks as the affected nerves had died. It took 6 months of x rays, ultrasounds, MRI and finally electromyography across my arms and shoulders before getting a diagnosis.
I’m sure this won’t be the case for you but it seems to a be a very little studied issue and is often misdiagnosed in the early stages.
Wishing you all the best
Thank you, I’m sorry to hear that.
I did get X-rays done last week, and nothing was wrong with my shoulder. I’m waiting to see an orthopedic doctor but can’t for 10 more days since it was their only opening.
It’s definitely painful and hurts to breathe sometimes, the muscle relaxers and pain killers are helping. I’m trying to be patient and taking it as easy as I can. Hopefully in a week or 2 I can move better without pain.
Hope you feel better also!
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Thanks, I am learning to live with it and I am slowly building back up on the bike but took 6 months of physiotherapy to get to a position where the shoulder joint was stable enough to manage riding a bike again.
If you know how you injured your Serratus Anterior then it is highly unlikely to be the same thing. Let us know how you get on at the doctors
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I will keep the forum posted once I learn more information.
I did it lifting heavy weights, it hurt a little that day, but after a hard ride outside I was in excruciating pain. That’s when I decided togo get looked at immediately.
Went to the orthopedic doctor yesterday.
I have a type 2 tear in my deltoid and serratus anterior, he said it’s a significant tear from looking at the mri.
It’s already been 2 weeks and he said my discomfort could last for another 2-3 weeks. He also gave me rehab mobility, stretching and light strength exercises to do. He told me basically to take it easy for a couple weeks and if it’s not better in a month, I should see him again.
So it’s pretty bad but could be a lot worse, I did ask about riding on the trainer, he told me to take it easy and not push it too much.
This morning I did a 45 minute ride and feel okay, I might add 15 minutes tomorrow. Day by day, the worst part was 10 days of shit sleep. I did use a bunch of pillows to sleep in a reclined position which has helped a lot. My sleep the past few nights has been better and hope I keep trending in the right direction.
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At least you have a diagnosis and prognosis. Good look with the rehab and recovery. Try not to push too hard to soon!
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