Show us your Useless cycling projects. :)

I’ll Start off.

What do you get with a cyclist who is waiting to race tonight, has too much time, too many power tools and too many scraps lying around…

A Really DUMB Idea!!!

Home made chain Cleaning fluid Filtering station.
Used to filter mineral spirits and methyl hydrate.

I’ve run this to clean 3 chains. All was good until I cleaned my sons MTB. Of course he had never done anything to it at all. It was disgusting.

Here is what I built lol.

Here it is in action with fluid that has not sit at all. (Best to let it sit for a few days on a magnet to let things settle.)

This is the waste mineral spirits jar that I will eventually let evaporate probably. At the bottom under the jar is a magnet pulling metal from the chain up into the center of the jar. Magnet was only used for about a minute when picture was taken. There is about 2 inch’s of fluid in the jar.

This is the Methyl Hydrate jar with the magnet under the bottom of the jar. You can see it has not collected all the fine shavings but a bigger magnet will help with that. There is about a half liter of methyl hydrate in the jar.

The cost of the chemicals is not huge. Ill use between 1 and two liters of mineral spirits and about 1/2 liter of methyl hydrate per chain.

I will end up using the mineral spirits that are the most contaminated but with no particulate in it in 2-3 different bottles to shake it clean as much as possible and then I switch to an ultra sonic cleaner for 2-3, 1/4 liter baths. Then I do 2, 1/4 liter methyl hydrate baths. 1/4 liter manages to cover the whole chain as I put it in a sealed glass container in the ultrasonic surrounded by water.

In most ways a huge waste of time. But my investment is about $8.00 and I had nothing better to do as I was waiting for an evening club race.

I would prefer to distill it but the cost is around $150.00 just for the still and I will do under 1 chain every 2 weeks most likely.

Chains are spotless and now waxed. Sons MTB chain is absolutely silent :wink:


Oh i like it. I may have to make a trip to my local science surplus store.

I’m envisioning waxing chains in a large erlenmeyer flask on a hotplate, with a spinning magnetic agitator…

