Hi all,
This is my first season with TR and my first post on the forum. Thanks for all the valuable information on this platform.
I’ve been riding bikes all my life (age 43, 74kg) without dedicated training or racing. The only periods where I followed a training plan was before 2 MTB mathons and a week of MTB transalp many years ago. So I’m mostly riding for fun and try to improve fitness by commuting, running and touring for being able to enjoy bigger tours, climbs in the mountains or holidays on the bike.
Decided to do some more dedicated training as commuting is not very efficient and I gained weight and lost fitness in the last years. Our annual MTB weekend with the guys was very hard last year due to lockdown and home office.
Got a smart trainer in October 20 and started a full low volume Cross Country Marathon plan end of december. Main goals being a 3 day MTB weekend June 18-20 (B event) and a 83km, 2.000m deniv MTB marathon (A event) July 10, which got canceled in the meantime due to Covid.
Started at FTP 233, got to FTP 245 in wk 7.
Got sick in the recovery week at the end of Base II (wk 12). Not very surprising as my family was already sick. Not sure where my FTP was at this moment. Since then I’ve been stuggeling to get back. Unfortunatly I have a history of longer recovery from mild flus. So I did 30min Taku only after 3 weeks which felt ok. Slide Mountain -2 the next day was not too bad either. The night after I did not sleep well however and felt slightly sick again. Had a hoarse voice for almost 2 weeks.
Again Taku wk 16, another pause, commute (TSS39) and Cheaha (TSS53) wk 18.
Yesterday (wk 19) I finally dared to do a ramp test which came out at FTP 230. So back to the start of my training. :-/
With the marathon canceled the MTB weekend in 6 weeks is now my A event. Focus is now on damage control and general fitness improval. Specialty phase therefore seems not important. Would a short combination of Base I and II be what I need or should there be a short build phase at the end?
Shall I just start a new training plan from scratch and let Plan builder do the math?
Sorry for the long introduction. Any advice is appreciated.
Best regards,