Sleeping 4 hours twice a day

Does anyone have experience with breaking up their sleep while training?
I am starting a graveyard shift soon and Im trying to figure out the best way to approach the sleep schedule and training.

GCN should do a video…


Look up biphasic sleeping. When I was younger i would do this when I did a couple (<3 or so) overnights in a row. The main benefit was you were up during the day so still saw the sun and were able to get daytime stuff done. Wasn’t really training back then so can’t comment on whether it’s better to do that or just sleep solid from a training perspective. If I was doing many more than 3 nights in a row though I’d just sleep solid all day though.

By the time I was in my 30s biphasic stopped working because of increased difficulty falling asleep later in the day. Any sleep post nights I get has to start immediately after finishing work.

I don’t think I could do split sleeping myself but it doesn’t seem to do the Spanish etc any harm.

I did this for about 5 years. I found that it was hard to sleep during the day. After about a year I would sleep just 4 hours in a 24 hour period. This maybe ok for some but not ideal. Hard training days would zap the energy right out of me.
I wish you luck.

Highly suggest you read the book ‘Why We Sleep’ by Matthew Walker.

It explains why this is a terrible idea that will not work.

Even if you do find a way to sleep in multiple 4hr stints (which would be very very difficult given the body’s circadian rhythm fighting you) you’re not getting the right kind of sleep and it’ll eventually crush you. The body goes through different REM and deep sleep cycles throughout the night, and you’d be missing out on the second part of that every night.

Z2 training can be split up. Threshold training can be done twice a day. Sleep can’t.

I think he also refutes the idea that some cultures have done this in the past so it’s ‘natural’, or at least explained that it came as a result of it being dark out for 12+hrs a night with limited ability to make light…so people would sleep for awhile, get up in the middle of the night to read or eat or talk and then sleep again through to sunrise. So they’re still getting 8+hrs of sleep within a 10-12hr timeframe.


Read that book, loved it!

When he talks about biphasic sleeping (practiced successfully in some cultures) it is more in the sense of sleeping a shorter phase during the day („siesta“). So you wouldn‘t split your sleep evenly but just have a longer nap (1-2h) around noon.

As @timon said, splitting it evenly sounds like you‘d be missing out on important sleep phases.

So if your graveyard shift is roughly midnight-8am, why can’t you train right after work?

It’s actually logistically easier than juggling training and the proverbial 9-5, IMO.

When I was younger, me and a friend experimented with biphasic and polyphasic sleep (sleep less at night, but nap regularly) because it sounded like a cool idea. In all the tries I started to feel “hang-over” and not well rested after some days. I was probably missing deep sleep stages or so.

Can’t recommend.

Training in the morning after work has been my plan. And what I’ll try when I start.

But everyone is saying you’re tired when you get off.

So that’s why I was asking about experience breaking up sleep.

Seinfeld did an episode about that IIRC! It didn’t work out well…

That’s all I could think about while reading through this topic.

Sleeping through the night in one go is a relatively modern thing.


I’m a medical resident. My sleep schedule constantly in flux. When I’m on nights, I always find it easier to train before work than when I get home.

Eh…that article is referencing one relatively short period in 2+ million years of human civilization.

And it’s an appeal to nature fallacy. Just because it was done that way doesn’t make it better or correct. As they said, the reasons seemed to be religious and logistical (stoking the fire, peeing, doing chores, probably changing guard duty shifts…etc) not for actual sleep quality.

AND I’d reiterate that all the sleep was still happening within a 10-11hr window at night. That’s very very different from the OP working all night, getting off work and sleeping from 7-11am, doing a training ride, eating dinner, then sleeping from 6-10pm and going back to work from 11-7 or whatever.

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Well almost 2,000 years. Not sure we know too much about sleeping habits from 2 million years ago.

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More like 4500 years…but who’s counting.

I was being conservative and likely much longer

That’s a fraction of a percent in the history of upright man. 4500 years is still a fraction of a percent.

I don’t know what your point is either. Yes, there’s clearly records of people sleeping in a biphasic way. Does that make it right or natural or optimal? I’d say absolutely not.

Should the OP try sleeping communally with a group of his neighbors because they did that 3000 years ago?

And what do you know about the history of sleeping habits of upright man a million years ago? Is there any reason to suppose their sleeping patterns were as now?