So back to SSB2MV 1&2

So I was following the structured path of base, build and specialty until the plan builder came along

I had a target event 7.6.20 and although I was scheduled to finish around 8 weeks prior to the event I had headroom to cater for any illness or circumstances that impacted my training which meant I was simply looking to maintain fitness until the target event.

So enter the build planner which prescribe starting SSB2MV 1&2 except a shortened 6 week plan for each. Build and speciality have also been shortened as I have my target date set as two weeks prior, again for headroom.

So are there any disadvantages in redoing SSBMV immediately after completing the same plans? Compliance was fine and towards the end of 2 was a step up in terms of mental and physical toughness but all the workouts were completed.

My overall aim is to peak early June next year and enjoy my bike riding in the summer with no their goals than stated above

It might be worth looking at what the plan builder would suggest if you set the start date in the past to cater for when you started this base phase - you’ll probably get a full build in that way and/or maybe a return to SSBMV2.

That aside, did your FTP increase during this base phase? If so, it could be useful to redo base at this new higher level, but if not I’d suggest it’s worth going to build. It does sound from what you’ve said about compliance that you’re ready for a build phase and would probably get more out of that?

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Thanks for the reply.

I went from a FTP of 154 to 190 after SSBMV1 and my next ramp test is a week today.

I’m feeling stronger but I’d like to see what this means in terms of increased FTP and you’ve hit the nail in the head as I’m tempted to revert back to build but I can also see the sense in building a stronger base before starting build.

I have a replacement Flux being delivered tomorrow which means I’m tempted to do an early FTP test to ensure I set the right datum to hit the required power during my rest week but I’m conflicted due to the amount of informed knowledge which has gone into building the TR plans means I’d be stepping outside the settled thinking which I’m reluctant to do. Sometimes you have to tighten the nut on personal discipline as the target power percentage is quite large 65 to 75% and how far could two trainers be out from the same manufacturer?

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if you’re new to structured training, probably best to repeat base as that will give you lots of benefit. With ssb mv2 you get into vo2 max, which should pull your ftp up a little bit more, and wouldn’t hurt to redo base at that higher ftp, and then get into build and specialty.

As for adding in lead time, I wouldn’t. It’s a lot easier to pad in 2 weeks during your training plan, than to sustain peak fitness for 2 weeks leading up to your event.

As for the final bit on the new flux, I wouldn’t worry about it, as you say recovery workouts are a pretty wide range of power and if you’re power meter is +/- a couple % from the other then you’ll still be in that range.

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