So who else is looking forward for the days becoming too dark, cold and wet for cycling outside?

So who else is looking forward for the days becoming too dark, cold and wet for cycling outside? I never thought I would say it but I am looking forward to not having excuses to not cycle outside and just start training again on the trainer. I really missed during summer and spring when it really was way too hot here inside for proper structured training even though my outdoor riding has never been this great


Me, but I mostly just want the damn smoke to go away. I can deal with heat, cold, rain, anything except the bad AQI this time of year.


misread the title at first, as I’m looking forward to cool days to ride even more outside.


I’ve been feeling it, mostly on weekdays though. It’s a bit much to fully kit up and go out for a 1 hour ride after work on weekdays just cause the weather is nice.

I like trainer riding while watching NBA basketball, so it’s a combo of things I’m looking forward too.


This is crazy talk to me.


Yeah, I’m ready for our annual month of heat and humidity to break.


Hell no. Its cold and miserable. Give me sun and outdoor riding forever please.


Summer is the off season here (so hot), so I’m actually looking forward to getting more time outside. Serious love/hate relationship with the trainer.


I’m looking forward to the basement getting cool enough to use the trainer


Winter is probably the best time of the year to mountain bike around here when the ground stays dry. Fast, hard, easier to see, fewer people, don’t overheat. Snow and wet drives me inside though because I don’t have a fat bike (and have too many bikes already) and don’t like the extra clean-up and wear and tear on the bike.


it’s been depressing watching the days get shorter, knowing that the time change is not that far away…


That’s what I’m talking about. Thankfully the winters are mild here, and easy to ride outside.


I know I’ve went better on my first TTs after a winter of indoor training during the week (still outdoor rides at the weekend) that’s satisfying and I look forward to the end result but I don’t think I can look forward to the darker nights :neutral_face:


Ugh I’ve been stuck inside for the past two weeks because of smoke, hoping for some cool clear days in the near future…


I live in the southern US so I am looking forward to the days being tolerable temperatures. It would be nice not to roast alive on a ride.

But I like training indoors a lot, especially at night with a movie on, so bring on the cold/dark!


Not I. But during the super-hot days I usually trained indoors, yay air conditioning. Today was steamy humid and I had to work so it was indoors again, but I’ve gotten a lot of good outdoor time in.

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I love riding outside, but given my location, time constraints, and family situation, I have to do nearly all of my training indoor. It’s very difficult (even with great fans) to keep my trainer area cool enough in the summer, so I also look forward to winter time. I can open my windows, and the cold air allows me to perform measurably better. My FTP is usually higher in the winter because of this.


Yes and No. I prefer to ride outdoors as much as possible but the short days mess up my schedule and I strongly dislike riding in the rain. But it’s true that indoor training is a lot more time efficient. Soon, Ill start doing week day rides indoor again.

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Southern Hemisphere here and feeling the complete opposite :smiley: Bring on the spring time air.

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I’ll miss the mid week local smash fest laps I do with the club but indoor training for me is year round. I find the quality of work I get from doing intervals indoors surpasses what I get outdoors. Outdoor rides will start to focus on long endurance efforts during the winter months with the club at the weekend unless it’s too cold, wet or otherwise and I will get them done on the trainer.