Some observations after a couple of months of bike testing/building

After switching/buildingh/tweaking bikes for most of the last 6 months, I’ve come to some conclusions about equipment. I’m sure some people will regard some of these as self-evident, but it’s a little different to experience them yourselves after a long period of comparing and testing. I’d be interested to see if others agree:

  1. Di2 is better than anything else. Etap is not bad at all, and is in many ways more versatile, but nothing matches the crispness and reliability of Di2 (disclaimer – I’ve not tried EPS).
  2. Disc brakes are better, but not much better - until it rains.
  3. 105 discs stop just as well as ultegra.
  4. Weight is not everything, as long as a bike is light enough (for me that’s under 8kg - ymmv).
  5. Even 33mm deep section wheels make a difference to speed on the flat.
  6. Even 33m deep section wheels can get a little twitchy descending at speed in crosswinds.
  7. Nice bar tape is a massively underrated aspect of ergonomics.
  8. 28mm tires – especially tubeless – transform the comfort of a bike.
  9. A saddle even slightly too high decimates power, especially uphill.
  10. Even bikes with similar stack and reach numbers can feel very different.


My Mason Definition with Di2 is pretty much my perfect all round/year round bike, though I’ll be investing in some winter wheels.

For summer, I’d be tempted with something a little sportier/more aero, but nothing too aggressive. It will have Di2 and probably 40mm deep section wheels - and supacaz bar tape :grinning:

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Should read, “I prefer shimano di2 to sram etap” :grin:

Fair point - these are all personal observations :+1:

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It was just a little joke because you said it was better than anything but you hadn’t tried EPS.

If I had my own mechanic I would prefer di2. But doing my own work, Etap AXS is my top choice. Come on Shimano…when’s wireless Di2 coming?


Totally get it dude - no problem here :+1:

Would love to try EPS but not likely any time soon! (What is the going rate for a functioning kidney these days…? Probably less than Super Record EPS🤣)