Specific workout durations in Plan Builder depending on the week day?

Greetings TrainerRoad Community!

First off, let me start by saying that I’m a big fan of both TrainNow and Plan Builder. I took some time off from TR and when I came back using it, I was very pleased with these new features! TR for me represent the best training platform for serious cyclists/triathletes and made me ditch Zwift for structured workouts.

Question: I can only train 1h during weekdays, and have more time on the weekends. Plan Builder specifies 90min workouts on weeekday, which is too long for me. is there a way to specify durations for the workouts on particular days?

If not, what is the best workaround? Just stop at th 60min mark of a 90min workout? Shoud I be concerned about the impact on the training adapation?


  • There is no way to set time limits currently. There is an open Feature Request for it and Nate has mentioned that he wants to add that functionality, but we don’t have it yet.
  • Using Workout Alternates is the best option. Adjust the Duration to suit your needs, swap in the desired workout and you are set.

Thanks, much appreciated!

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+1 for the feature request to limit the workout duration in a plan.

I currently change the workouts to 1 hour (from longer) then the adaptations want to change them back to longer ones.

Adaptations and AI ftp are great new features by the way!

This feature has been discussed internally and is on the roadmap, but with no current timeline while we focus on high-priority releases and fixes.
In the meantime, @mcneese.chad’s advice to use Workout Alternates is a great way to individually make those workouts align with your schedule more effectively.
I’ll provide an update on this feature if and when updates are available! :slightly_smiling_face: