Speedvagen owners - how did you know that you’d like the bike before buying it? Did you get a chance to test ride\demo?
I’ve reached out to Speedvagen but haven’t heard back. Hoping to get some insights from existing owners as to how they found it to be a good choice for them.
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Beautiful bikes! I hope it works out for you to get one! So jealous.
Can’t really speak to the test ride, but would love to know what you find out.
Beautiful bikes, honestly it’s my dream bike (this is from a mountain biker too) - I will say that the ride quality of Speedvagen seemed pretty unique to me when I was able to test ride one years ago (a customer’s bike when I worked in shops). I think test riding one before buying will only happen if you can find a willing owner. I’m sure they have a back log or waiting list so they’re not going to be motivated to demo something to an individual.
I do remember having to reach out to them about a customer’s bike once and they weren’t really friendly at all. They don’t love dealing with shops so they weren’t keen on us building a frame set up with parts that we would supply to the customer. They would only sell the customer a complete bike, and were even funny about shipping the bike to us so that we could assemble it. I will say, I remember even their packing was botique level.
With all that said, I’ll probably never own one, but the quality and attention to detail is bar none. If you’re looking for a “forever” bike - a Speedvagen is a very good choice I think. If you need to ride one before you buy, it might not be a good fit, but I might be wrong! Good luck!