Sprints vs. Rollers for Mid-Week Endurance Workouts

So far I have been doing all my TR on the turbo but recently inherited a set of dumb rollers. Given the mental fatigue leading up to my current recovery week i decided to mix things up and do the “revovery” workouts on the rollers and absolutely LOVED it.

Seriously, it’s a whole different kind of joy and I like the challenges it poses to drinking and other things as I am new to them entirely.

So I thought maybe I’ll start doing Wednesday workouts on the rollers during my short-power build. Then I saw the sprints. There’s no way I can match those watts on the rollers and at this point I’m not getting up out of the saddle on them either.

What are the benefits of those sprints and how would you weigh them compared to the bike handling benefits of the rollers?

I race mostly crits and I do sprint, but I suspect that’s not really what those Wednesday sprints are about anyway?

Why can’t you do it on rollers? Not enough resistance? Only one that is really hard is Spanish needle, but i did joe devil before. It is a mental challenge for sure but keeps me engaged. I do all my rides on rollers.

Yeah. I mean, big chainring and half way down the cassette gets me about 190w.

You can get dumb rollers with resistance. I’ve taken mine (Elite E-Motion) up to power levels similar to outdoors. But you should still do your sprints seated. Too easy to crash.

Look up adding magnets and an “eddy current” to your rollers if they are aluminum. Mine have no resistance unit but with some magnets installed I can hit 700+ with a reasonable cadence.

That’s fair but also not in the budget right now. For now it’ll be having to weigh the benefits of the rollers vs. the benefits of the sprints in the mid-week endurance workouts. I might be looking into these in the future though.