Anyone run into this before? Just switched to a smaller chainring, dropped two links out of my chain, and now on my two largest rings of a 10-52 cassette, there’s overlap of the rear deraillur jockey wheel and the cassette ring when I’m shifting to the larger ring, which is causing some contact and grinding when I shift.
Chain length is to SRAM spec, but looks like there’s room for me to take another two links out which appears would lessen or eliminate the overlap.
EDIT: Also made sure my derailleur hanger was straight, and set chain gap per SRAM specs before getting to this point.
Something is wrong on your setup, look where the upper pulley is in relationship to largest cog and compare it to your setup. If you’ve set the b-gap using that tool, then it’s not done right. Has the derailleur been taken off? are you certain the stop is in the right spot on the hanger?
@Cory.Rood@Jbhkhc - Unless I’m missing something, that’s not it. I’ve literally had the damn thing off 3 times checking exactly that. (And that second video is the one I’m using). Basically get it almost snug, and then rotate downwards so the washer rests against the flat on the derailleur hanger.
Not until midweek, but I will if I don’t have it figured out. Done for tonight and it’ll be Wednesday before I get to retry that though.
For what it’s worth, I’ve done that step Twice, so I don’t think that’s it. And, I swear that damn brittle plastic tool cracks every time I use one so now I need to hold it in place or buy another.
You know what, I bet you just caught the issue and I haven’t re-checked this. I’m going to wager that it wasn’t actually correctly at sag because I was going back and forth so much trying to figure it out, and that’s throwing it off. Basically - doing this on my own so I’ve always had to measure and then deflate the shock some to the appropriate compression/sag and I’m now thinking I didn’t do that right this time.
Before we go all around on this anymore, I need to re-check that.