I plan to change from a SRAM Force AXS 10-33 cassette to a 10-28 cassette. I know I’ll need to shorten the chain. Are there any rear derailleur adjustments needed like b-screw? Thanks!
Typically just b-screw, but you may need to adjust the shifting a tiny bit if shifting is not crisp.
I don’t think you need to shorten the chain. You could, but then swapping back to a larger cassette needs a new chain.
You don’t need to shorten it, because essentially the 10-28 cassette is as if you were only using the bottom part if your 10-33 cassette. If the current chain is fine for that (not too much slack), it’ll be fine for the 10-28.
Sometimes with SRAM AXS you don’t need to touch anything. I’d swap and test it first, and likely your bike will shift just fine. If not, then try b tension, then try chain shortening.
Speaking only from my own experience I would say you do not need to do anything. A cassette change will not affect derailleur adjustment at all when using a same branded component. As for shortening the chain, again I do not believe with such a small change in the size of the largest cog that a chain length change is warranted. For comparison, when I built my current bike I was using a 52 tooth big ring with a 10-26 cassette. Due to a chainline issue I replaced the crank and ended up with a 50t big ring. I ran it as is and had zero issues and ran as such until the chain needed replacing, several thousand miles later.