SRAM Red AXS failure

I have been quite pleased with the SRAM Red AXS on both of my road bikes and Red-XX1 combo on my gravel bike. Well… until today :frowning:
I was about to go for a ride, but the rear derailleur wouldn’t shift. I first thought that perhaps the battery is flat, so I took the one from front derailleur (that was working fine), but it still wasn’t working.
I then tried connecting with my iphone (XS) AXS app, but only the green light came on and then nothing.
Pressing the button had no effect, except when reconnecting the battery while button pressed, which resulted in re-installing the firmware 2.7.3 (already up to date prior to this). Repeated this a couple of times and removed the derailleur from the bike in the app, restarted the app, kept the battery off for a few mins etc etc. Nothng nada :-((
So it looks that my happines of SRAM AXS has gotten a dent. SRAM support pages are utterly useless and I was unable to find anything similar after some googling.
The only good this was that I coudl still go for a ride with another bike on which the AXS was working normally…

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I’ve never had this with Etap but I’ve had issues with Di2 dying after a firmware update.

I would try this:
#1 remove both batteries, charge them fully, then reinstall them.
#2 delete the app from your phone and reinstall
#3 re-sync the app with the groupset.
#4 re-install all firmware (overwriting existing).

If all that doesn’t work, I’d be taking it to a dealer.

Hopefully someone with more SRAM knowledge can chime in!

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Haven’t had this specific issue on my eTap but I’ve never had an issue with warranty by SRAM. Always quick responses from SRAM so far through my local shop.

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This happened with my old 11 speed etap. Take your bike to a dealer and they will call SRAM service and it will be replaced.

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bought a bike with AXS force a while back and the left shifter killed a battery within 2 weeks. Installed a new battery and it worked again, but it would no longer communicate with the app and I was worried it was going to die completely or at least keep eating batteries. I called SRAM directly and they were incredibly helpful, overnighting a replacement shifter to my local shop since I was about to travel for a race. I swapped the shifter out and all good since then. From most accounts, the SRAM electronic stuff has been pretty reliable. Stuff breaks or sometimes you get a bad one, so good support is key. Call SRAM or work it through your LBS, SRAM will fix you up.

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I had this with etap Red and had to get the rear derailleur replaced under warranty. . I thought it was just me and tried internet searches for the cure but of course to no avail.

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Thanks for your advice. The RD is on its way to SRAM through LBS.
Fingers crossed…

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ok so this just all happened to me on my samsung note 9. it was deff the phone I was using. for me the fix was to unplug/take the battery out of everything, close the app on the new phone and my phone. and then turn the app on on the new phone, plug only the derailleur battery in, and update and it worked.

at first the new phone didnt work until I took all batteries out of everything and restart the app on the new phone and also close the app on my phone. I dont think all that stuff was totally nessisary but it was deff one of those things that made the difference because like I said the new phone didnt work the first try. (the new phone was someone elses, its a LG G7 ThinQ that worked)

Had a similar/exact issue with my Red AXS rear derailleur. One day it just stopped working. If I pulled the battery for a while, best I got was 10 seconds of shifts before it died.

What eventually worked was pulling the battery and leaving it sit for a few days. I wrote it off and got a spare RD in the meantime, then by chance figured I’d try and see if it worked. Sure enough, shifted fine … :man_shrugging:

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I had this happen to my SRAM XO Transmission this weekend. Very bizarre, I’ve never seen this happen before and it happened at the start of a race. After driving five hours and an overnighter, I was miffed that my race was over less than 1 mile into 50. Then I remembered that I paired my AXS stuff with my Garmin head unit and it struggled a little to find it. After the start of the race I quickly remembered that I noticed the Garmin finding the AXS several times (which means it was losing it as well). Pulled the battery, deleted the sensor registered on my Garmin, and then proceeded to chase the field in vain for the next 5 hours. But at least the shifting worked!

It must have been causing some type of timeout.

TL;DR; Delete the sensor from your computer. Adding it again seems to work fine.


I just ordered a new battery yesterday because I thought it was the battery

Spares are never a bad thing

A strong case to be made for not pairing them going forward. The integration is kind of cool, but I honestly wouldn’t miss it much. Not worth the risk of losing shifting. The only thing I really pair them for is a warning for shifter batteries, but my experience is that it doesn’t give much warning (the one time I got it, the shifter died within 30 minutes). I now just make a habit of replacing shifter batteries at least annually (typically before a big race).

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Yep. In my case, deleting the sensors and re-pairing them worked fine, but if I had gotten the ghost mode treatment again, rest assured I’d never pair a SRAM device to anything again.

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I unpaired yesterday but that didn’t fix shifting, my rear derailleur stayed dead until I pushed the button

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I just got one battery replaced undee warranty

My FD went dead but appeared on the AXS app (and showed that the battery was good!), but no lights flashed and no shifting happened. Tried swapping batteries (with the one on the RD which was working fine), tried removing battery, pressing button, inserting battery and releasing button and nothing happened. Then tried cleaning with more pressure/effort the battery contacts on the front derailleur, connected battery and suddenly it resumed working. :face_exhaling:

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I’ve got Red AXS on two bikes. On my older setup it did start to malfunction after a firmware update when nothing would work. I cleared everything and re-paired the derailleurs and got it working again and it has never acted up again but have come to the conclusion that whether or not a firmware update is available I will not do anything as long as they work properly. This happened about 4 years ago. My second setup is now two and half years old and has not missed a shift.

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