Hi I’m looking for advice (sympathy) as I have really struggled on week 5 of SSB Mid Volume 2
My FTP went from 256 to 272 after Volume 1 so went straight to V2
I think Spencer +2 is the culprit and when it came to Lamarck I could only manage 1 1/2 blocks.
Still really tired and will do another Pettit today instead of Leconte which seems impossible at the moment.
After listening to podcast 206 I will go back to Low Volume to allow for club rides at the weekend but trying not to be to disheartened.
Has anyone else struggled
Cheers John
Yes, that final week of SSB2 is really tough. I managed through it over the winter, when I had no outside club rides (and my FTP barely inched up after SSB1). I’m now repeating SSB and finding i need to mix in more recovery time to allow for also doing regular outdoor rides.
Sounds like you have the right approach—rest or do an easy ride when you need it, and go to lower volume to leave energy for your club rides. After you have recovery week 6, you might want to repeat Lamarck and Leconte in a self-scheduled week 7. Lamarck is a great workout to confirm your FTP, and Leconte is just it’s own kind of special pain.
Thanks. Yes I have a busy week next week so will do as you suggest and do it over 7 weeks.
I’ll do a ramp test and start low volume at the beginning of July.
I’m on my second round of SSB Low Vol 2. I’m looking at those workouts in the plan and I know what’s coming. I’m not sure workouts like those two ever really get easier. I think you can prepare mentally but they’ll always push you to, or very close to your limit.
Yes week 5 is no joke. I did it back in Feb and still don’t want to repeat that week again anytime soon. I can say this though, I went into sustained power build after that and it was almost just as bad. That week was just prep for what was to come. Until the Fall…2019
I applied the following to make the progression more manageable and it worked really well for me. Effectively lengthens the plan one week, but makes the work to recovery week ratio easier to handle.
This is very helpful. I think going into the 11th week with only one weeks recovery may have been too much.
Still love the platform but may reset for Monday.