December 20, 2024, 3:17am
I thought Nate & Jonathon referred to somewhere you can see where your FTP sits in relation to other TR riders & also others in your age category. Where is that? Thanks
I’m curious how fast cyclists are relative to each other. What’s the “average” power of us all? Do we need a poll or can this be pulled from the TR data?
I’m a long time TR user and i’m in that middle ground of it all feeling like i’m going quite fast, but how fast is “fast” and how much faster is “really fast”?
I am in my mid-forties and a non-racer apart from triathlons where i generally do pretty well on the bike. I sometimes do Zwift races in either B or C depending on whether i’m feelin…
Nate chimes in with data around post #50
December 20, 2024, 7:15am
Thanks! That’s it. Now we need the age brackets. has this data (of its users) by age group
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December 20, 2024, 7:57am
Only problem with is that they only use their eftp for comparison and not the one you actually have. So for that one to work you need to do a critical power test. 5 sec, 60sec, 5min and 20min effort. Only then it ranks you correctly.
It’s in the thread I linked. Here is the link to Nate’s post with age brackets:
Moar data!!!
It seems like people want to see what’s “TR Average” and compare themselves to that.
I’ve broken everything down a lot more. While I was doing this I wonder if we’re breaking new ground here…I don’t think anyone else has this much accurate data on riders.
You get slower as you get older (duh). You can see that there’s a steep decline starting at 3.5-3.75 FTP/kg for men and women when you compare age in 10-year buckets.
For both men and women, there’s a large drop off…