Strava has a stretching app? Recover? Is this new or am I just out of date?

I did a search, and couldn’t find much on it here.

Strava suggested I do some post workout stretching the last couple workouts. (right now I’m no longer “training”, and just focusing on health and happiness, and being able to ride for another 25 years+, so into my 70’s. So I’m very much out of the loop on a lot these days).

Thoughts? Reviews of this app? Is it Strava owned, or is this just affiliated?

Interested in the forum’s thoughts.

It’s maybe a year old. New but not that new?

It was news to me a bit ago too. They really didn’t advertise it very well. Strava acquired them about a year ago. I haven’t used it yet.

I use it a bit. It’s OK for a quick routine after riding/running. The onscreen video clips are pretty clear, the timer is a bit clunky (you have to stop/reset all the time, even when the routine is showing 30s a side).

Integration with other activities is a bit clunky too. It’s adding to my confusion about what “mobility” really is, and when it’s appropriate to do it, and the difference between mobility/stretching for recovery and prehab.

But it’s free and makes a change from yoga.

I went through the setup and it then offered annual/monthly membership. I closed that and did a session.

It seems well thought out, just odd it’s not got a higher profile.

I’ll keep using it and see, can’t say I expect I’ll pay for it though.

I would not pay for it unless it gets you to do them. There are many YouTube videos out there for free. They key is doing them on a regular basis. At 72 I do them. Not as often as my fitter suggested. But I do them.
Athletic Body In Balance by Gray Cook is a good reference book if you want to get into a deeper dive.

Interesting, I haven’t tried it out. I have been using an app called Movement Vault for about 5 months now and it has been a game changer for my mobility and recovery. I had previously done random stretching routines I found on youtube and instagram, but wasn’t making a lot of progress (I’ve dealt with tight hamstrings and hip flexors for years). On top of that I’ve had this nagging right knee pain.

The Movement Vault app helped me fix my knee pain, and improve my hip flexor and hamstring flexibility considerably. I like them because they don’t do passive static stretching, which I found out isn’t very effective. They use active stretches and muscle activation techniques. They have a new daily stretching class every day that I do before my runs. Sometimes I will do one of their extra recovery routine classes as well. I’ve referred multiple people to them and everyone has loved it. It’s pretty cheap too after the free trial. Try them out if you are looking for a really effective stretching program.

Thanks to the OP for pointing that app out. Was new to me as well. For those still paying for strava it’s included btw. Will try it over the coming weeks, as I always struggle to bring mobility and strength work to my routine.

Everything on that app is a stretch.

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