Strength plan combine with trainer road Grand Fondo plan

Hello everybody,

I would like you advise how to combine two plan trainer road Grand Fondo plan and strength plan.
First one plan have three days as Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday; and I could place strength plan on Monday and Thursday or better put on Friday. I could have cycling training in first part of the day and late say 16:00 pm(6hours late) have strength training.

What is the best way to place strength training plan to cycling training?

I will appreciate for you advise.

Best regards,


You’ll probably burn out on 5 days per week of intensity - even on 4 days. First, I’d prioritize strength or cycling.

For example, make strength your days with intensity and then do all your cycling as easy endurance. This prioritizes strength. In a couple of months you could switch that around and put strength into maintenance mode and then concentrate on cycling.

The other way to go is to do two TR morning workouts with intensity (Tu/Thurs) and then do two days of strength on the same days in the afternoon/eve. This prioritizes cycling. I’d also only do two hard cycling workouts rather than three. That leaves 5 other days for rest/recovery and easy endurance rides.

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^ this.

Hard days hard / easy days easy.

When people split their interval days and strength days, you’re never getting any real recovery. It sucks, but for those of us with day jobs, it means getting up early to do bike work or at lunch if you wfh, and gym in the evening.

That’s right, here I read suggestion to do in same day. I will try combine in Tuesday and split on Thursday and Friday. Just to have after Saturday two days off. Right now I am in base two phase, that will give idea what best for me.

Thank any way for advise