Is anyone aware of a Strength Training App with AI that integrates with Trainerroad AI - On Android? Ideally I would like the strength training to auto adjust to what i do on trainerroad not the other way around.
I tried Fitbod great workout and it seems to do a lot of what i want. However the android app doesn’t really integrate with much of anything. Which seems odd, why not take care of integrations in a platform neutral manner in the cloud. Maybe there’s limitations in the backend API’s that don’t allow this.
Any other suggestions?
Hey there,
We don’t have any official recommendations, but we wanted to leave a note to say that continuing to improve strength training integration/general strength training features within TR is something we are working on!
Thanks Zak , any dates you can share from the roadmap or is health connect on Android on the roadmap? Wondering if just waiting a bit is the best option rather than buying a years subscription to something.
Here’s the latest news on strength training with TR:
Strength Training Upgrade: Add Working Sets!
That latest update helps pair up strength work better with Red Light Green Light.
I let the rest of the team know about the suggestion for integration with Health Connect on Android. I don’t have any specific roadmap details to share, but I do know better strength integration has been a common request from many athletes, so it’s been something we’re working on improving.
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