Is there a strength training programme/guide that is periodised in a way that you can use it to compliment your periodised cycling programme?
Eg sets and reps and weight to use during base, then build, etc.
Can anyone point me towards something like this please?
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Hey there,
This article sounds like it might be what you’re looking for:
We’d recommend trying to align your strength sessions (and overall strength plan) with your cycling plan.
In short, during the Base phase, prioritize strength development with 2-3 sessions per week. This is when you’d want to work on building up to higher weight/reps while you don’t need to be as fresh for super high-intensity workouts/events.
As intensity increases during the Build and Specialty phases, focus on maintaining what you built up to during the Base period with 1-2 strength sessions per week. You can back off the weight/reps for maintenance and still benefit from the work you did during the Base phase.
Try to line up your weight-lifting days with your harder cycling days (i.e., your interval days) so that your “hard” days have all of the hard workouts and your “easy” days stay appropriately restful (doing squats on a recovery day when you have hard intervals coming up the next day, for example, would not be an ideal way to schedule things
Here are a couple of more TR resources that might be useful:
Hope that info is helpful – feel free to let us know if you have any additional questions!
This is perfect, amazing, thanks @ZackeryWeimer
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