I am travelling to a northern hemisphere winter and want to try running various trainer road intervals on a treadmill with a Stryd powermeter. It seems to work and the sensor picks up nicely on Trainerroad on android. Does anyone else do this? What routines work better? I am thinking something that does not jump around too much as I have to manually alter the treadmill speed or incline to match. Luckily my Stryd and cycling FTP are similar.
This is a super cool idea and a whole new market for TR @Nate_Pearson
I’m currently waiting for delivery of my Stryd.
Something like 30/15 session like Brasted would be ideal.
Easier enough to change your FTP setting before the session but if TR starts adding run workouts to the library you could also have a separate run FTP/CP setting. In fact I’d love to have the option of a different FTP setting for my TT bike.
Hi all, @pcullen, I hope your Stryd arrives soon so you can help me work this out! Today I ran Gilbert -2. It was a bit tricky to exactly follow the ramps, so I worked out the approx speed for wattage/incline and that made it easier. The ramps in Gilbert are a lot more progressive than Brasted’s on/off type interval. One thing I was unsure of was safety (going from 80w to VO2 in one big jump), but Gilbert -2 felt safe. I’ll try a microburst interval and let you know! @schmidt, I got a Stryd so I could run the same type of powerzones as I ride. I am lucky my zones are similar. Also running a Trainerroad plan over a London/Glasgow Winter seemed a lot more bearable than looking at normal treadmill screen…
I’m super interested in this as i feel like when i run by RPE it always ends up being a tempo run. I’ve settled settled with converting RPE to HR and then using that. Or following the HR running programming in fast track triathlete.
Hi @Ripi, I ran Keeler Needle today, and for these more surgy VO2 seasions it is difficult to hit the high peaks and drop off to nothing safely IMO. I lopped the top of it and came into the interval earlier to make up for it and it still worked quite well. My caveat would be to chose workouts with a more gradual profile. You don’t want to fall when you are doing 5watts per kg on a treadmill!!
I have long history with bike power meters so the Stryd Wind appealed to me. Before I was using pace based zones but of course gradient and hills throw off energy systems vs pace. I’m really enjoying running to power. Basically the advantages are the same as bike power meters namely being pacing and the ability to drill back down into the underlying physiology with tools like WKO5. Also I am a coach so I wanted to use the technology myself before working with athletes who decide to use it.
Triathlete and Stryd owner here. I wish that the runing with power scene was as flushed out as in the cycling world, but it’s not. There’s variability in the numbers between companies (Garmin, Stryd, etc.), and I don’t think they translate well across devices as they would with power meters that advertise a certain accuracy (+/- 1% e.g.). Anyway, I’ve found that Zwift running on the treadmill is excellent with Stryd. The pace is spot on and the work outs in Zwift are pretty good with a variety to hit all the spots. I would love for @Nate_Pearson and TR to really think about this and incorporate this into their Tri training plans (PLEASE GET RUNS AND SWIMS IN SOON). However, since @Nate_Pearson said they don’t even have the software in place for swim and run analysis, I doubt building out a full structured treadmill training plan would be anytime soon. This is all to say, that if you want to incorporate Stryd into indoor training, consider Zwift; it’s actually really good for running on the treadmill.
@pcullen, @matthewcertain, I have not tried Zwift for running, but maybe I have to. The interval drop offs and peaks for the VO2 max intervals in TR are a bit too extreme IMO to easily do on a treadmill. I got a slight hamstring twinge after Keeler Needle (on a bike when you absolutely go after an interval, you can do it to exhaustion then just recover in the valley, but on a treadmill the thing is spinning at 16kph and if you stop suddenly you could really get injured - hence really careful selection us required) but I am going to try my favourite bike interval (Black), which is not VO2 and way more gradual in intensity. Maybe that will work out better and safer. I agree that it would be great to have specific run related workouts without having to purchase yet another online platform (I already have TR, Training peaks, Strava etc…). I may have to add Zwift, but I am hoping to sort the interval training thing out eventually in TR. We have a pretty good brains trust here, and maybe the TR team will lend a hand too - they may have to do their risk analysis as well I suspect as all this stuff is ‘off label’ and may have legal liability issues if anyone does actually get hurt.
It would be great to have a different FTP setting for a Stryd and a Vasa. Even if the existing cycling workouts don’t quite fit running and swimming, building your own and being able to assign a run FTP or swim FTP is something I would love to see.
It would be GREAT to see running power meters added as another feature of TrainerRoad.
By the way, I’ve done a running TR ramp test using a Stryd and running with my phone in my hand. I didn’t like the critical power test suggested by Stryd and didn’t trust the data. The ramp test gave me a data point early on in using my Stryd power meter.