What would be some good bloodwork to have checked for general health and for endurance performance?
I was thinking
Ferritin (stored iron)
What else would be helpful?
B12 and other vitamins?
What would be some good bloodwork to have checked for general health and for endurance performance?
I was thinking
Ferritin (stored iron)
What else would be helpful?
B12 and other vitamins?
I actually just asked my doctor this about a month ago and he said just the routine yearly blood work was enough. I’d suggest you ask your doctor, though.
Sigma Nutrition just had a podcast on Iron deficiency. One thing that was highlighted there is that inflammation can greatly distort ferritin values (I think it was ferritin), so care must be taken regarding when these tests are done. Also, “overtesting” can lead to problems as well, so you do need to be careful in how the results are interpreted and acted on.
Regarding iron, I also found this paper helpful:
(I emailed one of the authors and they sent me a copy.)
Here is another episode discussing overtesting:
Iron specific podcast:
All I know is that ferritin is important, because low stored iron can cause anemia symptoms even when iron and hemoglobin levels are good.
Just noticed Sigma has another interesting episode on iron that I am partway through #467, particularly about iron in athletes.
None should be routine, only as clinically indicated.
Ferritin is an acute phase reactant and its levels are subject to many variables aside from iron status. A proper iron panel consists of serum iron, ferritin, transferrin saturation, and total iron binding capacity (TIBC), and should be interpreted by a doctor. An anemia workup at large requires other tests. I am very weary of laymen just saying to check a ferritin and if it’s low, take iron–there’s often a bigger issue at play that requires addressing.