Suggestions for "fun" cycling jerseys?

Cycology… Great designs and great quality…


@eolsen just a heads up that NeoPro won’t give refunds, period, even though they accept only-tried-on product back as prime, and do re-sell it. Store credit only. I’ll never buy from them again, and strongly advise nobody buy from them, unless through a friend you were able to try on their stuff, and know exactly your size, and that you like the fit.

Also, the chamois was insanely thin and low-quality.


Funny is I just ordered more Neo yesterday :joy:

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Well, whatever. I recommend their gear. Just try it on before going for a ride.

The chamois seems fine to me. Arguing about chamois comfort is like arguing about saddle comfort. Every saddle/chamois ever made has its fans and critics.

The best part is even if you don’t like the gear, you’re out a whopping $100 for a bib/jersey combo, which won’t even buy you a jersey from most brands. Neopro is explicitly trying to lower the ridiculous entry costs to cycling so there has to be cuts somewhere.


I’ve never tried them, but God & Famous has some fun looking jerseys. I like their Idiocracy 3 and 4 jerseys

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I like God and Famous and Ostroy

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Coker is starting to get some psychedelic designs, too.

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Cookie Monster!

Had a group of women laughing so hard they were almost crawling on the pavement!

“Are you looking at my eyes?”.


I have several Ostroy jerseys, and they’re all fun.

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Castelli let you customise to a certain extent, and some of the patterns and colours let you go a bit nuts. There’s a great tiger stripe. Not cheap though.