Sustained Power Build Low Volume 2nd Half

I am new to structured training (and fairly new to cycling in general). I absolutely love it! I began TR in October and started off with the Sweet Spot Base I and II low volume plans. I finished both plans successfully, only having to bail out on Mary Austin -1. As can be expected with a new rider, I had FTP increases after completing both plans.

I began the Sustained Power Build low volume plan a few weeks ago and had no major issues with completing the workouts in the first half of this plan. I completed the ramp test for the 2nd half of the plan last week and had a slight increase in my FTP. Washington +4 nearly killed me. I had to lower the intensity towards the end of the 3rd interval. By that time, my legs were cooked and I struggled to complete the workout even with the drop in intensity. However, I was able to complete Fish -2 this afternoon. Fish -2 was tough but I completed it at 100%.

Looking ahead, the workouts in the 2nd half of the Sustained Power Build low volume plan look absolutely brutal compared to the first half workouts. The rides just under threshold or just over threshold look to be impossible for me to complete given the power output that is expected, the duration of the intervals, and the short rest periods in the workouts. Now my question…Has anyone else struggled with the 2nd half of this plan? My thought is that because I am so new to cycling, my endurance is not quite where it needs to be for these longer interval workouts. Any tips, advice, or words of encouragement would be appreciated as I almost sold my bike and took up quilting after Washington +4.

I’m on the second half of sustained starting tomorrow. I’m probably skipping the ramp test as I had a huge weekend riding outside with a lot of tempo and threshold. Unless I wake up tomorrow and my legs are feeling it. Plus, my asthma crept back in as well. May just do some Vo2 work instead. But yeah, the workouts look brutal. Which is good.

I’m in the 2d half of Sustained Power Build Mid Vol. Comparing the two plans, I’m surprised the workouts are so different. But the weekly workout notes are similar, and might help:

You’ll next face some mercilessly longer lactate tolerance repeats. Much like last week, if the short recoveries aren’t ones that will allow you to rally and survive the bulk of each interval, consider Mt Hale -1 in order to continue to maximize the training benefit from these slightly supra-threshold work bouts.

This week’s final workout consists of some fairly lengthy Threshold repeats that continue to target your repeatable, sustainable power output. And again, if the recoveries aren’t quite enough to revitalize you, pause the workout for an extra minute or two between intervals.

VO2max and over/under get all the attention, but for me these supra-threshold intervals have been the most awful. If your FTP is correct, some workouts should have you tipping over the edge. Since you got through Fish -2 w/o a break, I think you’re killing it and would stick with the plan.

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Thanks, @jgthomas59. I’m glad I’m not the only one…holding 105% for 7 or 9 minutes is terrible; I’ll take VO2max or over/unders before these supra-threshold intervals.