Sustained power build to start the off-season, then base after this?

Hello, I read on TR yesterday that for triathletes doing sustained power build could be a good thing to consider for the off-season. I have 2 events in Sept, my first Gran Fondo and then a 10KM running race.
My thought was to start low volume sustained power build after this.
I have been on TR about a year and done sweet spot base low volume, half distance base low volume and half distance build low volume (although I have seriously amended the plans as I am also trying to fit in running, swimming and interrupted training this past winter to train for my first marathon, I also only have 45min in the mornings to ride on trainer so I had to swap out rides for similar but shorter duration ones).
Anyway, I guess my question is confirmation my plan to do sustained power build after my 10KM race (where I’ll be shooting for PR of 47.5 minutes) through Oct and Nov, and then shifting to do base training for 12 weeks starting in December. I will also be trying to swim and run and I will also be trying to get up earlier so I am not shortening any of the workouts.
Thank you for your input and feedback.

That sounds like a great approach :ok_hand:

We describe that exact progression in the “Off-Season” section of our Half-Distance Triathlon article:


Just starting the same process, with low volume spb.
Question is, what kind of running should I go for?
Only base run? V02max, long&tempo?