Sweet spot 1 & 2 back to back vs Alternate with Build?

Hello, I was curious on when one may want to do sweet spot 1 & 2 back to back vs doing 6 weeks of sweet spot then build, then back to sweet spot for 6 weeks (the other half you did not do already), and then another build, before specialty.
The latter is what plan builder has given me as I have lots of time before any potential event.
Just curious on the rationale or when I may want to override plan builder.
I wonder if I would benefit from more base back to back or just more base in general vs time in build.
Some back ground I am in year 3 of endurance training.
Pushing 46 years old.
Thanks for any info around these 2 different structures.

Hi, the Plan Builder FAQ has some info around this: https://support.trainerroad.com/hc/en-us/articles/360037666312-Plan-Builder-FAQs

“a mid-season return to base training can allow the body to recover from more strenuous forms of training, and reach new heights by entering a base phase with a higher FTP”

If you have a particular preference you could manually adjust the plan or play around with selecting different experience levels in the wizard - but if you have the time to do it, the early base/build/base block could be a good way to get an initial FTP bump and then lock those gains in with the return to base. Also note that SSB2 is fairly intense anyway, almost like a pre-build.

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