Just a quick thank you to Chad (not TR head coach Chad) for the modification he created for allowing more recovery and creating Base phase 1&2 over 12 weeks with recovery. Not 2 blocks of 6… This is exactly what I needed at 48 and I’m moving through it with no issues.
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You are very welcome. Glad the adjustments are something you like.
I am at the final week of the middle segment in following the adjusted plan as well. It keeps my fatigue manageable and I am getting through the workouts pretty much on point for IF and Duration. I do have MacAdie +1 on Thursday, which will be a challenge, so I’m a tad nervous, but curious to see how it goes.
Here is a link to the related thread for anyone wondering about the adjusted plan:
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Yeah, for me, it’s tailor made for my personal recovery and lifestyle and age. I would not be able to handle the 2 blocks of 6 without compliance issues. Thanks again Chad. Very helpful.
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