Hello everyone, been using TR since the start of the year. I’ve already finished SSB & the Build phase. I was about to end my build phase last month until I was diagnosed of having migraine. I had a week off and then started doing very short indoor endurance rides on the succeeding days. I had my ramp test a while ago and had a decrease of 13% on my FTP. So I’m wondering now if I would be better off doing sweetspot base instead of specialty phase to regain my previous FTP. Thanks in advance for all your feedback.
Unless you are working towards a target date and event, stepping back to SSB makes sense to me.
Aha, which one should I better pursue? The first or the second? And is it normal to have a huge FTP decrease after a month of only doing very short endurance rides like 2-3 times a week? Thanks!
Went through this…I did SSB2 over and by the time I got through it my former FTP was back.
Yes also normal for that decrease. Mine went from 255-238 in a 5 week span of light riding to get over some nagging injuries.
You can jump right into SSB2 if you think you have enough fitness to do it. It is the more demanding phase in general, but doable and a good shortcut to the meat of SSB.
As to fitness drop, that’s hard to say. It depends on the drop in stress from your prior training and other possible factors. But its entirely possible to see something like you experienced.
Short Endurance paced rides are not much for a maintenance program. If time is short. You likely need more intensity if you aim to hold onto existing fitness.