I made the switch this year from a 1st gen Kickr to a Tacx Neo 2 and I wanted post some things I’ve noticed. (All done on Windows 10 PC, Tacx 0.0.18 firmware, Kickr 1.5.68 firmware, no power meter and additional Ant+ cadence sensor on crankarm)
This has been addressed before and not an issue, but power differences between trainers are significant (Kickr measured ~40W higher).
The Tacx Neo 2, while much quieter than the 1st gen Kickr, isn’t close to silent. On the plus side, it doesn’t transmit vibrations through the floor like the Kickr.
Random power spikes occur more often on the Tacx than the Kickr. I have both Ant+ and BLED dongles and the spikes seem to occur more often while using Bluetooth, but only by a small margin.
While on Bluetooth, I get regular Workout Stopped/Started messages on the screen, though there is no change in power cadence or any other measurement I can see, nor does it affect the workout.
The Neo 2 has a much different “feel” than the Kickr. Pedaling on the Neo 2 seems like more muscular work than the Kickr. For threshold and sprint intervals on the Kickr, I’d often pedal between 105-115 while on the Neo 2 this just seems much harder. Also, the Neo 2 has some lateral movement that the Kickr did not, making it feel more like a regular road ride.
Even using the Tacx Desktop software with the BLED I haven’t seen the left/right power breakdown anywhere. I’ve read on other posts about using the Tacx Desktop and TR simultaneously and I’ll likely try that this week.
All in all, I’m happy with the Neo 2 and while I’d like to see the power spikes disappear, in the meantime I’ll view them as character building exercises.
I’m interested to hear other Neo 2 users’ experiences with TR, particularly if you’re having (or not) the power spike issue. Also, I’d love for TR to be able to read and display the left/right power that the Neo 2 (allegedly) outputs.