Hello. Posting to see if anyone else has similar issues or solutions to something I recently started experiencing…
I have had my Neo2T for about 5 years more or less issue-free. Recently, i have started having a problem where the resistance is failing to engage. I am running the latest firmware and TR app, and I do all of my workouts on my laptop with a Bluetooth connection. I first experienced this issue about 2 weeks ago. I had almost given up on the trainer, but then it magically started working again with no issue until this morning.
For example, when I boot up my trainerroad workout and start pedaling, the power seems to be “stuck” at around 70 watts no matter how fast or slow I pedal. I can see that the trainer is connected because the watts and cadence will fluctuate. I’ve tried testing at different target power ranges by skipping ahead in the workout, but no matter what the target power is, the trainer will hoover at ~70 watts. I even tried switching to resistance mode, and even at max resistance in my hardest gearing it will still be at around 70 watts.
I have had interference issues with the trainer in the past so to rule this out I turned off bluetooth on all my other devices, and have it in a separate room from my WiFi router. I’m thinking it is a problem with the trainer itself. The issue is happening across multiple devices and applications. The only way I have found to affect the resistance is to connect it to my Garmin bike computer, and manually set the target power. It will work for a few seconds and then revert to the default 50 Watts.
My next troubleshooting step is going to be to order an ANT USB dongle and see if I have any luck with that. In the meantime, does anyone have any ideas on what may be causing this?
Update: I found an ANT dongle in my junk drawer, and it seems to be working correctly with that. I already wasted too much time troubleshooting, so will not have time to do my workout today Still would like to get the bluetooth issues figured out.