TACX Neo2T & TR: Slope or Standard mode

Good morning everyone. To date I have used ERG mode for all my TR workouts. I use a TACX Neo2T and obviously Tranier Road. Now I would need to use the slope mode which, reading old posts/articles here on the TR forum, was not possible to use at the time. Has anything changed to date? I remember that with XERT it was possible to create or modify existing workouts, inserting phases that transition from erg mode to slope mode, also inserting the gradient of the desired slope. In Trainer Road, how can you go from erg to slope? I hope this is not also a future implementation, as was written to me when I asked if it was possible to create, with workout creator, workouts that can also be used outdoors and not just indoors. Thanks for the support.

Tacx trainers don’t have Slope mode. However, if what you’re after is the ability to shift gears and manually control the output, you can switch between Erg and Resistance mode. Here’s how.


@Pbase Thank’you for your help and yes, i need leave the ERG Mode for more short IT 10"/20"/30" at maximum effort, so, the ERG modality, is one limit in this case. In this day i try to change in Resistence Mode.

The TR FTP Test, have this change automated in the workout structure (test) ? Or need to migrate manually ?

Thanks again,


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TrainerRoad recommend (and the app defaults to) Erg for the Ramp Test and Resistance for the FTP test.


Thanks again @Pbase ! I have read and print the two articles. Perfect!
Thank’ you, have a good afternoon!

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