Tampa Bay Group Rides


I moved to Tampa this year just in time for quarantine. I am looking to connect with a riding group in the Tampa area to keep the motivation going. I generally ride in the 21-23 mph range but am open to any group.


There is a good sized group in St Petersburg but not sure they are riding due to the quarantine
Saint Petersburg Bike Club used to ride there years ago there is also a FB page “Cycling in St Pete Florida”
Hoping to make it back there for a visit this fall after all this CoVid mess is over.

Outspokin Bicycles has group rides but not sure if they’re riding right now due to Covid. Aeropro Coaching has put on some weekend rides recently - you can follow them on Strava for invites. That one can turn into a bit of a hammerfest but at 21-23 avg you’ll be fine.

I’m also in the Tampa area due to COVID. I haven’t found many official group rides to join (and also don’t want to honestly), but I do see large groups going up the Suncoast trail pretty regularly. You might try looking at Strava around there and seeing what rides others are doing because it seems like a lot of bike shops run group rides - for example, this one.

@Sailsmaker89 Thanks for the rec. Their website says groups rides are off but i’ll message them to see if there are any small social distance rides to jump in.

Thanks, Lou. I haven’t seen any of the faster Outspokin rides, but i’ll follow Aeropro

@asopchak Appreciate it. Yeah, i’ve been looking for small groups. If you’re interested socially distant ride let me know