Hello everyone!
I’m looking to modify final two weeks of my training plan to allow tapering phase ahead of my main Grand Fondo event this season.
Firstly about the event. It’s 230km/ 4,700m of elevation Peaks Challenge. Although not a race, I have a very ambitious goal completing it in 9 hrs. Statistically less than 5% of participants finishing with this time. In order to do that, I will try to stay with an organised pace group for the entire duration of the event. The event is on Sunday (last day of the 4th week of my final training block).
Secondly, a bit about my training. I went through a low volume Base / Sustained Power build phases and now in the 2nd week of 2nd block of Low volume Century speciality phase. However in addition to indoor Traineerroad workouts I’m doing long hilly weekend rides and mid-week commutes. Currently I’m doing 800-900 TSS during non-recovery (working) weeks. I guess, this is a fairly high volume of training…
I’ve been listening to your recent podcast on tapering and did some research on the Trainerroad forum. It looks like the recommended tapering approach involves reduction of the volume without dropping intensity.
Looking at my current Trainerroad calendar, the final week 4 of my current plan looks like a standard recovery week. It has 3 Endurance/ Z2 workouts.
I’m planning to start taper from next week (week 3) by reducing volume by about 20% (from 900 to 700 TSS). I want to keep all my intensive Trainerroad interval sessions but drop commute/ endurance elements and make my weekend ride shorter, i.e. drop the volume but keep the intensity.
Not quite sure what to do with final week 4 though… Should I drop both intensity and volume (i.e. do few Endurance/ Z2 as planned)? Or follow the same strategy as in week 3 – i.e. keep the intensity high but drop the volume to say 500 TSS. Which means I would only do few 30-45 intensive sessions ahead of the event.
One reason for me looking to change standard recovery week is the way I usually feel after any recovery week. I do feel fresher, however I find my legs somewhat ‘lazy’ and not willing to work as hard in a week following the recovery. So I thought doing shorter but sharper workouts during tapering phase should address my fatigue level whilst keep legs ‘primed’ for the event.
If you suggest to replace week 4 Z2/endurance workouts with shorter but more intensive ones, can you please recommend 3-4 workout options from your library?
Please let me know if you have any better suggestions on tapering ahead of this event.
Thanks in advance for advice.