Taylor-2 VO2 Max workout

Hey guys, I’m doing this workout a little later and I am bricking it just at the thought of repeatedly Pushing 120% over my ftp for 30 secs (14 times and interval X 3 )! Is it as hard or harder than over unders as those are my nemesis?!

Yours in fear

Terry :joy::joy:

I was a little nervous going into it also, but I actually found it and BlueBell to be easier than the over-under workouts.


Read this thread which is current and relevant.
Taylor -2 is nothing to be bothered about but I wouldn’t fancy the boredom of another set of 14 intervals, 42 is enough for anyone.

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I thought it was fine. It looks impressive, but the rest between intervals makes it doable.

I did this exact workout at the start of last week and found it to be fairly comfortable with an extra few percent intensity added. I think the nature of 30 seconds on/off makes it quite approachable so no need to fear, just get stuck in :+1:

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Thanks guys, I’ll report back a little later once I’ve finished :flushed::flushed:

Being on the SSB 2 low volume, i looked at the VO2 max workouts and its progression every Tuesday to be painful to think about. I had also failed to get through SSB2 earlier last year.

To prepare, i did Taylor -3 a week before i started SSB2 just to get a feel of VO2 max workouts again. Happy to report i just completed Taylor -2 a few hours ago!

Good look with yours! Don’t give up!

Update, just smashed it, could of probably pushed an extra 20 watts per interval. I’m deffo a VO2 guy! Cmon!!


Yeah, I found Taylor -2 surprisingly easy. HR barely out of zone 2, and I should’ve raised the power up 5-10%. We will see how Bluebell goes next week.

good job!

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So we are all doing the same plan :slight_smile: I also did it earlier in the week and I found it much easier than over/unders.

Let’s becareful, if @Nate_Pearson is watching he might use their big data to make it harder! :smile:


Raise your cadence 20% and you’ll see that heart rate go up. :slight_smile:


I was pedaling at 100-105rpm (self-selected is between 90-95rpm). I’m sure I could raise that to 115 but I don’t think that’s going to make all that much difference. Could be wrong!

It’ll be interesting to do Bluebell because my Kickr Core gets here tomorrow, so I’ll be mid-erg mode learning curve and can really select my cadence rather than generally having cadence limitations imposed by the dumb trainer in order to match power targets.


I do those at 110, usually, and my self-selected is in the lower range of yours (around 90+). When I go up to 110, I notice a difference, but I’m sure we all work differently.

Enjoy your new trainer!

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Oh yes! 5rpm more and you’ll be pushing a different hr zone!

Taylor-2 was my first VO2 max workout and I agree; I was looking at the workout description the day before thinking, man that looks hard… I really hope I don’t crash. My post-rides notes were: felt good, challenging, was hard, but how a hard workout should feel.

This has been my favorite part of TrainerRoad. The FTP ramp test seems to have accurately gauged my ability, and the workouts have so far all been within my ability. When the workout starts to become challenging, I can dig in harder knowing that the workouts are programmed for me to be pushed, but ultimately succeed.


Just finished. Had my pc die and did it off a Garmin. Drilled it.

I have a hard time staying in v02…I always trend over so I was worried that I wouldn’t finish but I did.

(Note I used resistance even before the pc crashed vs erg)


Well done, glad it went well! :grinning:


I personally found Taylor-2 & Genadarme +1 really targetted my quads more. I had much more of a burn in those than my lungs


I found the same. The intervals aren’t long enough to ramp the heart rate up fully, but long enough to load the legs with lactate.