I like “stupid” challenges (like Disaster Day and the FTP challenge, etc.). So, I came up with my own. This is for you @Nate_Pearson: There are currently five versions of Baxter (please don’t create any more of them!); doing all of them back to back to back takes 7.5 hours. I did four of them today (not Baxter+2). That took 5.5 hours. I am thinking about doing all of them in a few weeks. Of course, with the weather finally improving this may have to wait until fall… Anybody up for it?
I’d thought of this one a while ago, it should be called ‘The back to Baxter’.
DiBaxter (sounds like Disaster)
Cinco de Baxter
The Baxter Five
Mad Baxter, Beyond TrainerDome (or TrainerRoad?)
Cinco de Baxter on May 5th?
Count me in?
Sounds like a really bad idea. I may just have to do this…
7.5 hours at Endurance Pace? Too bad the Wahoo doesn’t have a tail pipe to suck on.
Not May 5th. May the 4th be with you!
Just had to put that there
Shrike first challenge?
Count me in
That’s a long time on the trainer… but if you set a date I’ll do it.
I doubt I will do it with the dawn of outside riding and racing season upon me.
But I can almost see doing this in conjunction with a virtual Everest attempt that I have considered for the fall season… TR Baxter chain for ERG control at a good pace and Zwift on the PC for distraction and a dual event… hmmm.
Sooooooo who’s doing this
I sort of did it. I wasn’t able to do all five (family obligations). I got up at 2:30 (yes!) and did four of them. I skipped Baxter -2 which means 6.5 hours of Baxter. I did Baxter -2 yesterday. Anybody else?
Uhhhh no lol
I have a personal mini training camp in 2 months so may do it then.
Honestly great job though, would love to hear about the experience- mental and physical
That would be cool. Alpe Du Zwift x 9. Climb for an hour, then let the avatar descend on its own while you take a pee break. Turn your avatar around after it stops at the bottom and go again. Repeat.
Yup, that is the one I may try.
I meant to respond to this earlier but forgot. It actually wasn’t bad at all. I think it is easier to do 6.5 hours with four different workouts than doing one single 6.5 hour TR workout. I started with Baxter+2 to get the longest one out of the way, then Baxter+1, then Baxter, then Baxter-1. I think I will try to do all five at some point but it will have to wait until after the summer I think.
I also have taken to Monitor now. There are too many Monitor workouts to do them all in a row - even for me. I’ll have to think about how to set it up.