Weird viewed topic now closed, really couldn’t be arsed with any negativity!
This is weird.
Not sure most of us are chasing gains in physique anyway…
This post is throwing me for an epistemological loop. I think I’m going to post something that consists only of “this statement is a lie” and see what happens.
I’m confused
Me too. I have no idea what happened (I think I went “strength-training” as the Tag, but don’t think that would have caused this ).
I will leave it to a TR rep to review.
I think he posted something (based on the reply from @kurt.braeckel anyway) about strength or physique changes, then edited the post to the current text due to changing his mind or something
Shows two edits - so likely you did one @mcneese.chad based on whatever the original topic was (applying tags) and then the OP changed the title and effectively removed the post contents entirely
Guys, I’m sorry, but you can’t post in here. Clearly the topic is closed.
This topic is like alternative facts as far as I can tell.
Not really a fact, maybe just a divergent viewpoint of reality.
My favorite un-thread in recent memory.
Don’t close it! We need some levity! Pllllleeeeease, daaaaaad!
But … but … the science! What does the science say???
Evidence points to the topic not actually being closed, but TR is funding a long-term study to try and get a better P-value.
Halloween-related shenanigans
I left my fly open the other day I wish it was like this thread - closed
Hello, is anyone out there? Is this thread in the upside down place?
Did you know that @Jonathan once did an Everesting ride?
I vote to re-open this topic. Who’s with me?