The other upcoming feature mentioned in the podcast

That is what I am after

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Love it - particularly if linked with FTP prediction. I could indicate available time to train, the system predicts a benefit and then tells me how that benefit would change if I adjusted available time up or down. I suspect sometimes it would even say “if you train more than X, your progression is expected to be SLOWER”


I may have missed this somewhere, but is there somewhere specific I need to “opt in” for the FTP estimate option in lieu of doing an FTP assessment?


Still not available, but this is how you will turn it on when it is.

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Is this my suggestion for generic workout plans (just specifying the duration, difficulty, and zone) hiding in plain site? Please make it so that the difficulty can be changed :grinning:

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I’m all for dropping the L/M/H, and just ask people how many hours / week they can ride & how many hours per day. The other thing that would be great would be to have the ability to add an unstructured ride (think group ride) into your calendar. For example, the ability to add an unstructured 3 hour ride every Saturday, and this time would be factored into how much time overall I can ride for the week, and the rest of the plan would take this into account.


It would be cool to say combine two workouts into one instead of AT trying to find the one that optimizes an energy zone but at a longer or shorter duration.

I don’t find myself having enough awareness of my upcoming week to know for sure how I need to modify any workouts but when the day comes I have found workout alternates to fit the bill.

Thanks @mcneese.chad that’s where I looked, so I’m glad I had it right.



I am a simple man I guess and I feel like the framework you’ve built TR on has served me really well. I like the L/M/H foundation, how AT constantly is looking at my training and then the option to tweak it using TrainNow. N=1


Smartest Idea Ever!
Definitely a goer

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Exactly! I want one session per week to practice CX skills outdoors. That could be counted as Base/Endurance in AT.

This is also what I’m hoping for!


I really like the idea of selecting what time I have available to train each day. I wouldn’t want the structure of each volume to go away, because for me when life gets in the way. I can flip the low volume switch and still get the great structure that’s there with less stress.
Also I’m all for the option of having a “free day” or for something like endurance group rides.

Me too! Plus it helps to push through. For instance sake if the plan says 2 hours then it is two hours. If I don’t have too many options to easy-out I don’t. However, if I do I am a master of excuses. :joy:

I can’t say i really understand the need for this to be a feature. When i can add/remove workouts in the calendar already, even have great filters show me alternative workouts with varying amounts of time…why does Plan Builder need to automagically do this for me? Simply using myself as an example, my compliance is never anywhere near 100%. I’m moving workouts and tweaking often - particularly when it comes to weekdays and time to get a workout in.

Maybe it’s just me but i would simply not care if Plan Builder did this at the start. I would still be like “oh awesome, that meeting got cancelled and i have 30min extra minutes…”, or “i feel good today, i can do 1.5hrs instead of 60min” and select an appropriate alternative. Etc etc.

Point is, for me, assigning Wednesdays to being a 45min workout instead of a 60min or 30min workout seems like a “feature” masquerading as a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.


Hi Nate,

Sounds great. As long as the intensity of some of the rides go down when I add more days. Would it be possible to change it on a week to week basis? Since there already is trainnow I guess it would work. Basically it is an autofilled trainnow.

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This. Plan Builder is pretty useless when you do not want to follow TR intensity distribution. If there was a setting to set number of intensity days this would be good addition.


Would absolutely love it. I’m currently one of the users doing a LV Plan with added endurance rides on two days.

I see two huge benefits of switching away from the LV/MV/HV Scheme:

First, you’re not tinkering with the plans manually. Every time I’m adding those extra rides to LV, I’m not sure if I end up messing up the progression somehow. Also a psychological side effect might be that people actually pick plans that are suited to them. I can image some folks just avoid the LV Plans because of the way they’re labeled.

Second, this would be one step closer to an individualized training plan and away from the one size fits als approach. Adaptive training was a huge step in that regard, a Plan Builder which generates a Plan based on your needs would make this even better.

Hope I was able to make everything clear, English is not my native language. Kind regards from Germany!


I think that this is a great idea. Currently I fall into the “train 5 days a week on the bike with two gym workouts” camp. But I like the high volume load. So at present I have to edit every PB plan for every week to move one day’s workout to another day and then combine those two workouts into one. Messy; and your proposal eliminates that mess. Great idea.

I also think that it would be a good idea to change the intensity labels in your figure to reflect zonal labels. So, instead of “easy”, “moderate” or intense" there were “endurance”, “tempo/sweet spot” and “threshold and above”. Or even split the “threshold and above” one into “threshold” and "VO2max or above. Then the users would know where they were going and you would eliminate the need for separate polarized plans, since people could simply choose the appropriate session intensities.

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I don’t think this would be a good idea. When I first started I had no idea what levels were and what the name of each zone referred to. Need to keep the naming conventions accessible to people new to structured training.