The other upcoming feature mentioned in the podcast

@Nate_Pearson , will this feature be available in Plan Builder to customize per block?
I’m a multiport user and I’m hand-customizing the blocks/weeks as I go to accommodate the other activities. Wishlist: I would also like the option in Plan Builder final specialty block of pull down choice of ‘full triathlon’ with a corresponding cycling only plan.

@Nate_Pearson I want the option to stop giving me more intensity/SS on Sundays and instead just schedule a long z2. As if 3 days of intensity isn’t enough why not end the week with more SS. Even AT doesn’t fix this. If I crush Thursday’s or Saturdays workout then AT rewards me by making Sunday even more difficult. I realize the alternative is in the “weekly tips” but this should be the default and AT should progress the z2 weekly throughout the plan.

I guess choosing the time I have to train on Sundays from the default 2 hours to 3-4 hours would fix this.


I feel like there is a major, major leap in how the system analyses the work we’ve done etc to be able to create a training plan off of user input days.

My gut says it’s too risky and most new users will automatically add intensity days into their plan.

Maybe that’s perfect, maybe there’s some easy fail-safes that can be built in. Hopefully it still has the correct progression etc. Will it work within the selected (current) Plans i.e. XCM focus.

Specifying the time limits per workout day is a massive boon though

I think it’s great - especially to be able to customise the amount of training time per day to accommodate work and other responsibilities.

This is pretty much exactly what I’ve wished for in PB since it’s release. Love the possibility of this being reality. I have to think many others would as well.
I would hope as well that it could intelligently serve up suggestions with respect to days and durations, i.e. just because I tell it I can train on a day, it only gives me a workout if that’s likely to be the best thing given my load, and similarly, just because I say I can ride 2 hours on Saturday, it doesn’t serve that up every Saturday unless it makes sense. There’s probably a ton to figuring that all out programmatically, and maybe that’s not the functionality at the beginning of a feature like this, but would love to see it get there eventually.

Maybe as far as durations you could specify deviations from that on an individual day basis, i.e. in PB you tell it you can workout for 1h30m on Saturdays generally, but then just like you put in time off, you could put into the calendar that, “oh hey actually on this one particular Saturday I’m super free and could do 3h” or “on this Wednesday we’ve got evening plans so that ride needs to be 45m max instead of 1:15” etc. Just dreaming out loud. Just the ability to modify the general days and durations globally for the whole training plan would be a big improvement over the current functionality IMO.

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This is a big problem and we’ve got two ideas in the near term to help with this:

  1. Give some intelligent recommendations (but some athletes will override them)
  2. Use red light/green light to reduce the amount of intensity people do. So if you’re on high volume and we detect issues we reduce you until you don’t have issues. IE “You should skip this ride and have a rest day”. Stuff like that.

Our red light/green light project does take outside rides into account right now in our internal thing. As you said, it wouldn’t be useful without it.


Yah, we’d space them for you based on what you schedule.

And we’d handle the tough cases of people like nurses who can only work out in short blocks then work for a while.


This is what we have in our internal stuff. Red light/Green light is still early and far off though.


You’ll have a button to estimate your FTP right by your ramp test.


Yes, you’ll be able to do it per block…at least I think you can. If it doesn’t do that at launch we’ll do a follow on.

We need to add this. It’s in the workout description. I don’t think it would be that hard. We have a creative day on Wed and le time challenge some people to try to knock this out.

The idea is on with plan builder you could have Sundays be an endurance ride instead of SS. Duration would be what Chad recommends and AT would handle the intensity of it.

Sound good?


This is what Red Light/Green Light will do. So at first, you could shoot yourself in the foot by picking too much. But the idea in the future is you could have a 2-hour workout scheduled but red light/green light gives you a 30 min spin instead.

This would be driven at first by your inside and outside workouts but in the future could be driven by HRV, sleep, menstrual cycle, etc.


I haven’t listened to the pod yet (apologies, I’m off the bike for a bit and that is where I get my listening in!), so am not familiar w/ Red Light Green Light yet……but it seems to be something that is being used internally now, but not ready for the public yet?

And just to clarify, would this system reflect ANY outdoor ride (group rides, races, etc), or just outdoor TR workouts?

It’s internal now and a dude has to run it on his computer for individuals…so it’s still early. But it’s super cool!

But yes it takes into account all rides (indoor, outdoor, group rides, Zwift rides, TR rides, etc).


Thanks for the clarification!

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I’m guessing it can’t be as accurate but can it take into account other sports too? HR could be used for sports in general and if the sport is a known leg based sport (hiking, running, etc) it could assign that a bit higher then just a generic sport. Seems like it could use the same logic as outdoor rides without a power meter in how it uses hr data

It might not be accurate in that it doesn’t know how to interpret what happened during the activity but would still be better then assuming you weren’t doing anything.

Maybe use the data from this?

Body battery and some of the others could be useful


Thanks for all the replies Nate. This sounds fantastic and would definitely be the kind of thing that would encourage me to kick in the “five dollars more”.

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Yeah, @Nate_Pearson - this is great news, and thanks for the detailed updates. Really looking forward to this!

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