The Triathlon/Ironman Training Thread 2025

Welcome to the new all-triathlon training thread for 2025! :swimming_man:t3::biking_woman::man_running:t2:

If you’re racing, post the name and date of your race, the training plan you’re following, plus anything else you want to share, such as any particular goals you’re targeting. We’ll have a monthly roll call to report our progress on the previous month’s training, including successes, failures, and lessons learned. :slightly_smiling_face:

Previous years Ironman threads:


Place holder for race schedule


Athlete Race
giventotri St George 70.3
MrVivekB Wildflower 70.3


Athlete Race
OwenBrown Hamburg
Billabong Eagleman 70.3
jamesdritchey Coeur d’Alene


Athlete Race
Stino77 Luxembourg 70.3
Knotty71 IM Leeds


Athlete Race
DanF Donner Lake 70.3

Signed up for my first full, Hamburg in June.


my first 70.3, Luxembourg 13th July.


I’m tentatively scheduled for Ironman 70.3 St. George (May 10) and Ironman 70.3 Coeur d’Alene (June 22). I’m signed up and have hotels booked but I don’t know yet if I’ll be able to attend (at least I have the Flex90 thing so I can defer or get a refund if I can’t). I’d like to also do Boise, which is close, or Washington Tri-Cities, which I loved, but I can’t commit to either of them yet, so I might book just the hotels for now and sign up for the races at the last possible moment depending on how things shake out.

My plan for the moment is to do a high-volume half-distance plan with both races as an A race. In the past I’ve followed the TR plans for both the cycling and running workouts and it’s worked out well for me, but I ran a 12K New Year’s Eve race in Mexico City last week for which I trained with Runna and enjoyed it, so I think I’m going to use that for the running workouts and see how well it works. They have triathlon plans and a plan builder similar to TR’s, so I think I can mostly align a Runna plan with my TR plan. I just want some variety in my workouts but if it doesn’t work I’ll just switch back to TR for the runs.

(My swim plan is as follows: Get in the pool whenever I can :man_shrugging:)


Doing a 70.3 at Donner Lake, Truckee CA in August. I did this race a few years ago, really enjoyed it so going back this year. I’ll also do the XTERRA Lake Tahoe in September. No full distance this year. I plan to do IMCA or AZ in 2026.


Dude, I’m super jealous of your race schedule! Those are all races on my list of must do’s.

Yeah, St. George is my favorite bike course and Coeur d’Alene is my favorite run course, I’m really hoping I can do both (especially since this is the last year at St. George).

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Ironman Leeds for me - hometown race, although don’t live there now but lots of friends and family….just awaiting the bike course info!!


Still there in 2025 and still using a plan as asked on last year’s thread.
Question is how are you using those plan?
I mean do you follow exactly what is prescribed for S/B/R or do you follow you own for some WO?

swim, i do my own WO, 3/week,
bike, TR half/full MV pla sticking to the designed WO, I try to add a group or solo ride on saturdays, so i’m on the bike 4/5x a week
run, i loosely follow the WO and add more volume on sundays,

I’m curious on how you all are dealing with the plans & also what are you expectation. Mine are mainly bike focused as it’s my weakest of the 3 sports.

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Goal #1 Do not crash

August 3rd 2024. Non displaced fractures of C3 C4 C5
#2 Eagleman Podium
#3 Maryland win


I’m going with a custom bike plan, Build FTP, Demanding setting. The basic structure as below with three runs and three swims added. I have previously had a focus on a discipline but this year I’m just going to work on all three.

Constrained by the icy weather but I want the threshold to be done as hill repeats, and a group ride on Sunday in the third week…but that’s potentially a lot of fatigue. I’m building up run, nothing long needed yet will focus on speed and regaining my 5k pace. Keeping it short on swims too. 4th week switches up to bike commuting and swimming lunchtimes,

Will see how that goes for January then review for Feb.


For last year, I used the TR plan through base and into build. During the end of build and on I switched to my own swim workouts as I could only get to the pool 2 days per week consistently. I did 3000yd workouts for every swim. For the run I remove intensity as needed (I’m injury prone). For the weekend bike workouts I loosely followed the recommended long ride. I did 1 95 mile and 2 100 mile rides building up to my race. Worked well for me. I did LV, masters (45 y/0 male). Really liked that approach.

This year, only doing a 70.3 so I think I’ll mostly just follow the TR plan. I’ve been lifting weights consistently for about 1.5 years now and I think that’s helped a ton with injury reduction (either that or just good luck). If things stay on track I’ll keep the run intensity up as much as possible.


Unregistered, though training for Ironman 70.3 Coeur d’Alene (June 22).

Joined a local masters swim squad, and the boiler for the pool promptly broke, so i’ve yet to actually swim with them.

My goal times which were 100% built on ‘being better than average’ are as follows:

Dist Time Pace/Power
Swim 1.2m 0:38:00 1:47/100m - 2:00/100m
Bike 56m 2:52:00 19.5mph - est. 250w
Run 13.1m 1:58:00 9:00/mile
Total 70.3m <5:30:00

Also attempting a self supported 50k at the end of feb so primary training until then is for running with swimming as a secondary. Cycling has taken a back seat and will drastically increase in March.


My race schedule, listing both HM and Tri’s but I use HMs as training days. 30 days into TR, I used to use a human coach, went through 2 different ones each were great but at this point the ROI isn’t there. Using a custom training plan mainly to remove any need to think about how far/hard to bike, which workout to do.

I’m 56, male, just started cycling in 2021, running in 2022, and swimming in 2023. In my heart of hearts IDGAF about completion times, I don’t even compete against myself as my life is different quarter to quarter. Different work, family, etc stress. I’m just happy to be out there trying.

Only the 70.3 are “A” races, everything else is “C”. And “A” just means I’d be bummed if I DNF.

Jan 26 - Tritonman Sprint Tri
Mar 23 - Oakland Half Marathon
Apr 5 - Napa Olympic Tri
May 3 - Wildflower 70.3 (Brutal course!)

Aug 23 - Santa Barbara Olympic Tri
Sept 21 - Santa Cruz Olympic Tri

Nov 16 - Berkeley Half Marathon
Dec 8 - Indian Wells 70.3

I did Santa Cruz 70.3 in 2023, Oceanside 70.3 and EFAT in 2024. Crashed during the warmup ride for Zell am See 70.3 twelve hours after landing in Austria, had a DNS. Spent 2 weeks drinking Austrian beer, was just a different kind of vacation :slight_smile:


I follow the HIM HV Tri plan. But still wandering if it for me also is not better to follow your approach. Because for running, I have no intensity because I need to build my running endurance from scratch. Swim workouts I don’t use the TR workouts but swimsmooth (maybe I could use TR but not sure if they have much value?).
Bike is my strongest discipline. So maybe I can use a bike TR custom plan to build FTP but that could give maybe too much fatigue? Never used a TR plan before.

How do you schedule a long ride? Because when I look at my plan, (I have 3h solo ride saturday and 2h indoor ride sunday in settings), it always prescribe the same duration workouts in the weekends? Never a longer one than 3hours? For the moment not needed but from April or May, I like to go outdoors sometimes for a 3h+ outdoor ride. How can I schedule that? Just replace the planned saturday ride? And plan will adapt afterwards?

Does someone used the PL’s to plan their training, and not using a plan? So maybe do some focused blocks of 2-3 weeks of tempo, sweetspot, treshold and then last a vo2max block? To raise there levels? I never did treshold and vo2max so PL’s are low. But I read somewhere that some focused blocks can also help. Like tempo, sweetspot to lower vlamax, and then a treshold block to extend TTE. And last a vo2max one to bring the curve up?


Welcome back Knotty! It’s the new local event that’s woken you up then? :wink:

In the tri plans there is planned times, but if you go up high in endurance rides they may get longer. 3hrs indoor is plenty imho though, that’s like 4+ outside. You can change the workout to an outdoor workout in the Calendar. If it’s an unstructured ride then you won’t get progression from it but TR will check you haven’t worn yourself out.


I just replaced some of the long workouts with outdoor workouts. I built it so my last 100 (5.5 hours) was 3 weeks prior to race day. My first hundred was 2 weeks prior to that, and my 90 mile (5 hours) was a week prior to that. I did a few 4 hour outdoor workouts building up to this. I used the outdoor workout Haleakala for my first 5.5 hour ride, which was good because it had me riding an hour just above race pace then an hour slightly below. It was a hard workout, but a real confidence booster. For the second 5.5 hour ride I held race pace. I did short brick runs off both of these. It was amazing how “easy” the bike leg felt on race day after a solid taper! Those two workouts were tough on tired legs!


Not a bad week training wise but had to deal with some real life stuff. Missed two swims and a short bike.