Thinking a going from bibs to shorts

I have been struggling for years to find bibs that actually fit me properly. My problem is most bibs have straps that are way too short. This causes the bibs to ride up pretty bad after an hour or more. As everyone knows when they ride up the chamois is out of position (it rotates further up my back than it should), the legs start to bunch up in my crotch which starts to chafe, some bibs even make it slightly more difficult to breath. This is noticeable on the trainer with just bibs on and I do half of my workout with the straps up then the second half with them down, I can breath easier & the bibs stay in place / don’t ride up and bunch up.

For reference I am of a slender build at 6’1” (185 cm) tall, weigh 170-172 pounds (77-78 kg), fairly lean (under 10% body fat), and do not think I have an abnormally long torso. I have tried bibs for so many manufacturers in different styles and sizes (mostly medium and large, which all the size charts recommended): Athlos, Castelli, Pearl Izumi, Voler, and more.

I would like to hear from others who have experienced this, brands that they have used, and if they have tried shorts (I never have). I am thinking about modifying some of my bibs by adding material to the shoulder straps but I don’t know if I can make it last.

I prefer shorts indoors as well, don’t see the need for bibs there…

I have a really good pair of shorts from Craft with their “C2”-chamois, I can recommend those!


I’m 6’4 190 and I’ve had the problem with some bibs riding up so that I need to pull them down from the bottom but not so much that it changes the position of the chamois.

I will say that I’ve had good luck with “theblackbibs”, they have some with extra long straps and they just seem to fit me really well.

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I recently bought a pair of Blackbibs to try, they do seem a little better than others.


I’m 6’1 and 176 lbs. I also had problems with bib straps. I really like the 2 in 1 bibs (like a speed suit but with back pockets and zipper in front) from Castelli and Coure. For indoors, I use MTB bib liners from Pactimo.


Why don’t you just take your bibs to a local Seamstress? They can size you, cut the bib straps, add some material to make longer, and re-attach. They work on uniforms and complex costumes all the time.


I never really used bibs. Tried them once but since I have a long back and the bib straps were already stretched fast it was hard to use the bathroom. The bibs were maybe slightly more comfortable but not that much so have no problem just using shorts

I only just got my first (and then second) pair of bibs. Before that I did all my riding in shorts, including a number of century rides. My body may just be less sensitive than others, or maybe I got into bad habits and ending up expecting pain. However, I’m not sure that my bibs are much better than my shorts, except that the quality of the chamois is better. I still use shorts on most of my rides.

So, go ahead and try a pair of shorts and see if they work from you.

(Also, I’m curious to follow this thread since I do have a longer than normal torso so I am curious to hear if anything else comes up. I haven’t had problems because of it so far, but I am curious to hear other people’s experiences).

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It does seem like there is a better range of high quality bibs over high quality shorts. For example the highest end chamois pactimo offers only comes in their bibs. Though the ones in the shorts may be good enough as the don’t need everything to be the best possible

That’s one reason, I bought the shorts from Craft, it’s the same Chamois as in my favourite-bibs. And it seems to be the same fit as well.

Pearl Izumi also has matching shorts & chamois through their full line, including the top PRO level.

I use a mix of their bibs & shorts and I like all the mid tier to top ends equally.


Try an older pair of bibs first and see if you like the results. Make sure they know that the stitching on the new material needs to be smooth since it may be rubbing against bare skin.

I don’t really have experience with this, but have you tried Pactimo Raptors? They are more compressive so I wonder if you could try a size bigger to get some extra room in the straps.

Black Bibs sells their Ultimate Bibs in a long strap version. Have you considered those?

Besides that, it wouldn’t hurt to try shorts. You might just like them without the negatives commonly associated with them (i. e. pressing on your stomach)


Thank you for all the ideas. I have thought about having my wife add to the straps, she makes a lot of her own cloths and we would test on an old set for sure.

I am not sure if the BlackBibs I ordered are the long strap or not, maybe they were? But I may also have not see that option as it doesn’t ring a bell.

I think I’ll give the modification a try and see how it works as I already own several pairs of old bibs. It just sucks to have to cut on / modify such an expensive piece of kit.

6’1” isn’t crazy tall. I’m surprised you’re having this issue. There have to be off the shelf bibs that fit you. The only thing I can think of is to either try the next size up or go try bibs on in shops before you buy. Im 6ft and I’ve never had bibs that didn’t fit fine on the bike, but I usually buy size L or XL depending on my weight and the brand.

Try a different brand? You are neither unusually tall not particularly slender. A lot of bibs should fit you.

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I agree with both of you, which is why I thought I would make this thread. I have never tried XL as I think they will be too loose (legs, waist, hips) which may be worse than being too short.

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It really depends. A Castelli XL can be the same size as a Rapha M. It sucks as a consumer.

I’m 6’3" and 77kg and mainly wear Castelli (race fit style - free aero or skin suit) in XL, and Assos Equipe in M (although wish the legs were an inch longer). I have a long torso too.

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