Thinking about a $2/month price raise

Long time TR user but hanging on by a thread. I choose to let my legacy pricing go as I liked where TR was going and the team. It was an emotional decision to let go of my $99 annual pricing. Many things have changed since that decision. There are new staff with a different vibe and several staff that I loved are no longer employed. The warm and fuzzy of TR has passed as TR just isn’t what it used to be as a whole. Given that same decision today I’d stick with my legacy pricing. Any price increase is likely going to be that factor that just has me use TR during winter months when I’m forced inside. It’s not that it’s a big increase, but rather TR for me is just a workout player at this point.


  • I don’t use TR plans as they seem oddly structured and no longer fit my needs. It took years to figure out TR plans don’t work for me anymore. They are great for a couple years for those new to structured training (IMHO). Then you sorta grow out of them if you progress your fitness.
  • RLGL is a bust because the OG crazy plans are out and the new plans for years addressed burnout with less intensity. However, even when I felt super burnt out in 2019 and 2020 RLGL didn’t reflect that when I look back.
  • Adaptive training does odd and annoying things to my training so I’ve been forced to turn it off.
  • AIFTP is a great feature when training indoors following TR workouts and plans. However, it doesn’t seem to be accurate when riding and racing mostly outside during summer months. This is likely because it’s not analyzing outside rides to a high degree.

I won’t renew my annual subscription if the price increases. I enjoy using TR, but the 189 price tag was already a stretch for my situation. If the price goes up, I’ll probably only use TR for the 3 months out of the year when it’s too cold and dark to ride outside.


If it’s currently $19.99, why am I billed $22 today?

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We collect sales tax where we’re legally required.

Your monthly subscription cost is $19.95 + $2.05 (tax) = $22.

Taxes vary depending on your location, so some athletes’ subscription totals could vary slightly. :earth_americas:


Maybe your on the beta program :slight_smile:


This is a good summary of what I think is the trend for many users that decide to stick with this sport and do their own research around training. I also have very good memories of when I joined TR years ago and there was definitely a different vibe back then.
Anyhow, whilst TR is a very useful tool to start navigating the training journey, the additional features that have been added provide IMO little to no real benefit for those who have been around for long and essentially create their own plans, know how to test their FTP and have a feel for when they should take a break or push a bit more…

To TR’s credit though, I really don’t think an AI platform can ever replace any of the above. The individual plays a predominant role and no algorithm can get it right.

This however raises some questions as to who is paying for what features and whether these add-ons are worth the price increases.
As I repeat every time there’s a price increase though, the locked pricing is a very potent tool to keep customers (like me) around removing the incentive to look for alternative platforms.


That’s it. Thanks.

Truth be told I’d cancel if the price goes up. My use is very seasonal. It’s great in the winter but my bike has been off the trainer for months now and I’ll have maybe 3 indoor rides between now and October. It’s just not worth it.

If there was a seasonal plan, say October through April, I’d pay more for it. But as $20 it’s really too expensive and at $22 I’m out.


I’m kind of in line with this. I came off legacy pricing, not becasue i was happy about TR going back on a promise, but out of some sort of loyalty. I now feel that loyalty is being exploited again, with another increase.

Maybe it’s because I was online with support for over an hour last night because I dared to change my specialty phase from CRR to Grand Fondo. Completely broke my plan, dropped from 5 to 3 rides per wk and all in the wrong order.

If you’re going to take extra money can you fix the current features before introducing new shiney ones


Well put @MI-XC, your whole post pretty much echos my thoughts.

Is there a free and/or relatively cheap workout creator I can use on my Wahoo out there? I think that and all my history/notes I have on my calendar are the only thing keeping me on unfortunately.

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Just remove the 4 week AI FTP limit and charge $2 every time somebody wants to run it.


I’d be cautious to overgeneralize. I don’t doubt it applies to you, though.

I don’t get that. The pricing scheme in my mind was clearly communicated by @Nate_Pearson and the TR team. It was always clear that if you chose to accept the price increase, there’d be further price increases in the future. Not least because inflation is a thing.

I care about inflation, and if you don’t raise prices, companies cannot pay more. Now most companies do not operate like that, but in my experience many smaller companies do.

4 Likes has a simple text based workout creator and you can link to Wahoo to upload workouts directly.


On target for me too. Hanging in with my legacy pricing. Still figuring out how TR can work best for me in my new status as a post-open-heart-surgery athlete. Unlikely to be hitting it really hard again so figuring out what intervals make sense for me, and while I am a data geek and like AIFTP and the RLGL concept, not sure that they are really applicable/accurate for my personal use case and the fact I’m 99% outside rides. Will likely hang on with TR at my current pricing for the near term but will go with my annual reassessment when my subscription comes up for renewal this fall.


I opted to keep my legacy pricing last time around and I will be doing the same this time.

I’ve not followed a TR plan for a while as I bought a year of Join, I got fed up of waiting for outside rides to be taken into account in TR.

Join has been pretty enjoyable to use most of the time. (I still use the TR workout player because I really enjoy using it, I haven’t even tried the Join one)

My wife does subscribe to TR on a monthly basis in the winter though and likes the platform so is likely to continue using it after the price increase.

At some point in time we will have to reassess all our subscriptions because everything is going up with inflation but our combined salaries are not unfortunately.


Good with it. I’ll pay

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We’re almost done with a project that’s going to auto upload all of these sport types into TR and they will impact your fatigue for RLGL.

  • Swim
  • Walk
  • Hike
  • Strength Training
  • Ski/Snowboard
  • Golf
  • Row
  • Yoga
  • Paddleboard
  • Kayak

We are also building a simple way to record working sets and separate them by upper body, lower body, and core.

We’re doing this because we think it’s a bit too complex to enter in every single exercise, but you do need to know how hard you hit legs because that impacts RLGL more than if you did just upper body work.

Other sport types that aren’t listed above will also be uploaded. That’s a very small percent of total though; like less than .5%.


While I don’t have any major issues with the price increase, I would LOVE to be able to use this as my sole training tool, but there are two main reason that I can’t.

First, it doesn’t incorporate non-cycling data and info into the alg. A LOT LOT more than just my cycling training goes into determining my training readiness. I would love for it to sync with Garmin and the like and incorporate other training, sleep, etc. like Training Peaks does.

Second, I would LOVE for it to have flexibility with the plan builder. Rather than simply asking low, mid, or high volume to determine the training, I would love for it to ask, how many hours, and how many sessions. I train 4 days/week, but want 8-12 hours of volume. Currently, there is no way to build out a plan like that with your plan builder.


Didn’t know I needed a reason to start recording yoga sessions but now I have one… damnit

I’m still at 99, can’t really afford more right now, maybe in a year or two. Getting all the auto uploading sorted will definitely help motivate that change.


I just want to say that transparency like this is head and shoulders above every other company in the cycling/training/app space. Zwift and Strava should take note.


TrainingPeaks has a free tier where you can build workouts but only so many can be saved. You can build your workouts the day/night before, push to Wahoo. In the free tier you are unable to move or build workouts more than 24 hours in advance though.