Thinking about a $2/month price raise

Can you expand on this and how your training has changed over the years. I see this posted often but no one explains how or what shift was made.

(No judgment… I make my own plans as well. Just curious.)

Underrated comment. Well done! :point_up_2:

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A $2 bump…per month!!! Pfft, I probably experience that fluctuation in my monthly auto gas bill and don’t even notice it. Fair dinkum for what I’m getting from TR. I’m in, Nate.


I’ve posted about it, on many occasions over the years. Quite simply, more endurance and fewer intervals. Closer to this:

with some mods along the lines of what Jim Van Den Berg outlines. Consistency and frequency pays more dividends over time.


Must admit, legacy pricing is the sole reason I stay a TR subscriber. Got far more into running the past year or two (think I’ve been on the bike twice in last 7 weeks) and just about to start half marathon training until Sept so will hardly ride until October. However the very good legacy pricing keeps me a member, partly as loyalty to TR and partly because likely come back to it in future.

Do agree though that ‘family feel’ seems to have been lost in last year or two with Pete, Amber and Chad all gone. Used to watch the podcast every week without fail…not seen it once since Chad left. Current guests and presenters (Jon apart) just don’t do it for me. Miss the days of Nate, Chad and Jonathan!


Just due to the transparency, I’ll be keeping my sub with TR if the prices get higher. I really like the platform and works for me.


Hey @MI-XC,

I’d like to ensure I understand your concerns so that we can help you get more out of the app. I’m more than happy to comb through the details via dm if that works better for you. But just incase others have similar concerns, I’m going to lay out my thoughts and questions below.

What don’t you like about the Training Plans?
Our Training Plans are progressive, meaning that as your fitness evolves, the Training Plans will progressively push you to new levels of fitness. This has improved with the introduction of Adaptive Training and Progression Levels.
What outcomes were you measuring that led you to feel like you outgrew the Training Plans, and were no longer benefiting from them?
Since this does not reflect the experience of the majority of athletes, I’m curious if you can think of any external factors that might have impacted your ability to respond to the training at that time?
Have you tried a Master’s Training Plan, utilised the ability to customise duration, or experiment with different training volumes?
Let me know, and we can work together to find something that works for you!

I had a look through your Calendar to see what might have been going on here. It looks like you were doing a decent amount of high volume training in 2019 and 2020. By the end of 2019, I can see more red days, especially after your trip to Scotland (yay :scotland:!). There were 5 red days in a row :grimacing:.
Likewise, toward the end of 2020, I can see a loooot of red days on your Calendar after your return to high-volume training following a period of very little training. It looks like you could have benefited from a more gradual return to training. In this case, RLGL would have prevented you from getting to the point of burnout by guiding you toward a more gradual progression.

Can you point me toward those things? I can check to see if everything is working as intended.

AI FTP detection doesn’t treat inside or outside training preferentially. It’s all the same for AI FTP Detection.
What makes you feel like it’s not accurate? Do you have a recent result that you’d like me to look into?

I’d love to help you get more out of the app so that you can keep using it to get faster!


I’m getting my money’s worth now. A few extra dollars would still more than deliver my money’s worth. I’ll be here this time next year with or without a price increase.


My thoughts about pricing changes back in January of 2023.

Only thing I miss is the OG podcast, it felt like being part of our own little secret nerd club (like D&D from the 80’s). I admit I enjoyed the interaction with the Chad, Nate, and Johnathan the best, kind of had a more flowing we’re all pals vibe back then. Making fun of Nate’s craziness, ribbing each other, some good moments.

They felt like friends.


I guess my only question is - has everyone forgotten about being promised Workout Levels V2?

Is there any sense that, as a team, you’re worried this would honestly encourage people to spend less time on TR and more outdoors?


I’m out when my annual subscription ends. All I want/need/have time for is a workout library and something to look at after I’ve chosen my own workout.

At this point I’m just subsidising the people that do actually use the features introduced in the last few years.

A basic tier (with basic pricing) would make me sign up again but I don’t sense that happening - all the best though.


I ride with plenty of buddies who pay $75-$400 per month for coaching. TR is a fantastic deal at my yearly $189! Happy to support a company that has made me a faster and better rider since signing up.


Personally I woulnd’t mind 2 more bucks for something I like and use a lot.
But that rationale I feel is a bit single sided (inflation).
Have you not become more productive over time?
You like to talk about AI. Have you not used it to increase internal efficiency?
Did you not increase the subsriber base over the years to increase revenue?

Cycling training plans with trainer control have meanwhile turned into a commodity (and they all work) while you run by far the highest priced solution I know. So I wonder how this will work out…


Why do you think it’s single sided (inflation)? We also have to pay our staff more which is by far our largest expense.


I think a price increase would go over smoother if a new feature was released with it. I get the logic of all the stuff you’ve added since the last increase has increased the value of TrainerRoad, but for most consumers those features are already baked in to the current price. For example, I think more people would be okay with a price jump if WLV2 or something came out in conjunction.


Because the rationale included only a single side while excluding what for example I brought up.
And yes, you also added lot of features.

Yeah, I don’t get the single-sided rationale…inflation affects all aspects of life and employees need to pay for stuff in their lives.

If anything, the fact that the proposed increase is less than the actual rate of inflation, indicates that it is not “single-sided” and that TR has been able to account for inflationary pressures through other measures.


But then subscribers would say “well, I don’t want that feature, so just keep my subscription price the same”.


  • While the “Are we there yet???” posts seem to have dwindled, they still pop up with regularity so I think it’s safe to say that people remember the promise.
  • I can’t see that when considering they still offer and suggest use of Outside Workouts when appropriate. And they clearly recognize the need for WLV2 since it has been mentioned repeatedly since AT was initially released many years ago.

  • They already import runs (inside & outside) with swimming (and the new stuff just mentioned) as planned for non-trainer / inside stuff, so I think it’s clear they are not locked into the TR = Inside-only mindset.

  • The delays in getting WLV2 are apparently structural and part of them trying to nail it upon release.

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This is true. Consumers will always resist a price increase, but having something new along with it makes the medicine a little sweeter imo rather than paying more for the same product.

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