Thinking about a $2/month price raise

I’d actually be more likely to do TR workouts indoors if my levels weren’t always at zero. I know TR has outdoor workouts but I do my own structure outside because reasons. Because of that on the odd day I can’t get outside the zero PLs keep me from opting for TR because I know it doesn’t match my fitness. Unless it’s the dead of winter I’m just not the market anymore without v2. I just stick with legacy out of habit at this point.


Spotify is raising its prices. Apple premium is raising its prices. Don’t see TR raising prices as out of the norm.


If you think $2 a month is a jump, wait til I tell you about homeowners insurance in Florida. I won’t but it’s robbery, same as many things in USA. At least Nate is giving us a heads up.


You collect sales tax incorrectly though, at least in my case. In my state, WA, the rate changes by zip code, and you erroneously charged the wrong (higher) rate. This isn’t even rocket science, it’s something that most companies get right very easily by linking delivery zip with a tax rate database.

Im going to have someone reach out to you. It might be because of the address of where your CC is registered, I’m not sure though. We use an external service called Taxamo and they have some advanced logic to sort this out in all the tax jurisdictions.


Our work has just integrated US sales tax, and we partnered with a third party it figure it out. It was going to be too much engineer work to do it in-house.

My condolences for having to deal with it :sweat_smile:


FWIW, when I last tried TR and canceled (too many other commitments), I let your support team know about this, with a link to the WA Dept of Revenue site where the rate can be looked up by address.


Oh yeah, it’s not a DIY thing. I’m a CPA that does income tax and I want nothing to do with multi state sales tax compliance.


We all want pay increases but we don’t want to pay more for stuff

Price increases inevitably happen so we can pay people more

That is just how the world works …


My old house had different sale tax rates within the same zip. My business is outside city limits of a town with a higher rate and even with the zip not overlapping in that case even Amazon gets it wrong sometimes after updates on their side.

This apparently isn’t as easy as you claim.

Have to admit a small cringe at this “we’re almost done…” Echo of years of messaging about stuff that was promised and still not really delivered… I have no clue as to what “almost done” means in terms of when it will be in production.

If it’s actually delivered it will be a strong add to TR’s capabilities and value.


Issued like those exist, yes, which is also why their are third party services to do this. I’ve found errors with amazon too but in incorrectly charging tax on exempt items not the rate itself. It is definitely not rocket science and clearly incorrect in my case.

Had this happen buying a car. A 1% difference in sales tax. Even pulled up the .gov tax map to show my address & show we lived in the unincorporated part of the county. Despite me doing the work they still refused as the DMV zip code data base showed otherwise. So even the government doesn’t get it right. :rofl:

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Or TR came to the conclusion that it is an unsolvable problem. Nate doesn’t even touch the topic anymore. I’d rather think TR silence on this is some marketing thing but it was around the corner so often it seems more of a hallucination now…


fair dinkum. lol reading some of the replies to this thread has me saying that constantly

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Unfortunately, that seems to be the likely situation at this point.

I am on the annual subscription. I chose to give up legacy pricing but kept a discount - the middle option of the three options provided at the time. I can’t recall if that option came with a promise to keep pricing unchanged for a period. But if the pricing goes up again, maybe TR should consider setting a price freeze period afterwards. That said, I don’t see myself leaving TR at this point - it plays an important role in my life. Thank you all for the work that you do.

that would be a shame, although not surprising if it turns out to be true (been debated on forum).

This deep dive is worth $2


A price increase is warranted.

Multiple value adds have been added to the product which necessitate an increase.

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