Hi all
I finished SSB1 LV (with added 2 outside long z2 workouts per week) and now I’m about to start with SSB2 MV.
I want to ride 5 days per week so MV would be great and plan is to substitute Sundays workout with outside 3+ hrs ride. And probably keep only Thursday and Saturday workouts on turbo and rest of them outside. My important races are about to start in May so I’m about where TR suggests.
TR is so focused on turbos and to be better on Ramp test and not in outside racing and that is probably the reason with adding so much of intervals. If we count sweet spot as intervals that is 4 of 5 days with intervals for base phase in early January…
I’m about 50-50 to stay on TR plans or move to standard programs with a lot of z2 and 2-3 intervals workouts (SS and threshold for now and later on add some vo2 max).
If someone went to base → build → speciality using TR plans and doing most of them outside (especially after the winter)?