Tour pack train camp racing

(I had a joke in here about marketing thread title as the hot new thing, but I think it got filtered.).

Been thinking lately about some plans for a big block of time off and I think something has caught my imagination. Basically, at least a couple weeks of self-supported touring, big days, little runs and swims sprinkled in for maintenance, maybe a side trip to climb a mountain, and hit an early-season triathlon and/or some CX races en route. Probably not optimal preparation for anything but I think I could accumulate a lot of kilojoules and have a good time. I’ve done shorter credit card tours on an old touring bike before, but this would be my first time going this big and trying to combine it with racing, and I’d like to camp and cook for myself most nights to keep costs under control. I’d be looking at USA and maybe Mexico destinations.

I’m interested in concrete advice, of course (particularly: cooking/fueling, fast/light/minimal/soft bags vs slower/heavier/more maximal/panniers or trailer, carbon roadie or steel mtb or buy new beater), but also just stories and inspiration from and about people who have done similar stuff, and I imagine there are some of you out there. So hit me.

Per your update, I added spaces to the title for easier reading and put this into the Equip category since that seems the bulk of your focus (per last paragraph).

I don’t know, I felt like I was mostly looking for stories from people who’d done it, gear-whoring is fun but ultimately a side note. But I’ll take it.

Results or Training were other candidates, along with Nutrition. Essentially, you hinted at many topics so it’s a hard one to category that best fits a hodgepodge. I can change to any of those, but the “Uncategorized” is best left to stuff with no association to the topics linked to at least part of your broad interest here.

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I biked from Vancouver to San Francisco in September. Amazing, so beautiful. Camped, cooked (MSR whisper light stove), gravel bike with panniers, didn’t pack particularly lightly. Followed the Adventure Cycling Pacific Coast route via Ride with GPS. No good tips on how to work in races etc but I’m sure there is a way. I definitely lost weight and got fitter, and just had a great time. Doing it again next year :slight_smile:

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