TR activity survey based on workout targets?

Imagine you feel good when doing.a VO2max workout and the effort feels just moderate. Then you increase the power target by a 5%. So the moderate effort based on the initial power target turns into hard based on the actual increased power. When completing the after workout survey, should you answer moderate or hard?

In other words, does TR correlate your answer to the actual power of your activity or to the power targets of the TR workout?

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It been said a dozen times in the podcast just rate it, how it felt. If you turned up the intensity and found it hard rate it that way, the system will recognise that you upped it. Don’t try to make things more complicated and 2nd guess it.

Related support article thats worth a read.


Is that the case even if you do the workout during an outside ride? Would adaptative training recognize it also if, besides of over exceeding the interval targets, you prolong the session by riding extra time in Z2 and add some high intensity bursts? Sorry but l doubt it.

No. At present, the Outside Workouts are merely a “Pass/Fail” situation where you get “full credit” whether you actually matched the power targets and duration or not. There is an option for “Did not pass” and that could apply if you really didn’t follow the workout, but not many people use that from what I have seen.

They are still working on the “Workout Levels 2.0” that is supposed to actually analyze all workouts more precisely (inside & outside), but that is not in our hands.


I guess then that a workaround is to answer the survey based on your feelings when performing the planned power targets of the workout (in outside rides) until the long expected update is available

Per TR, I have this basic reminder in my own survey.

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This applies to all workouts, so it’s not a “work around” IMO.


No mention of it recognizing that you’ve extended a workout and spent more time in a targeted zone - that’s likely one for “WLV2”…:wink:.

I do that quite often, particularly with very long-duration intervals such as in a sweet spot or tempo progression, sticking eg. 10-30 mins on the end of the workout, and cranking up the intensity immediately after the final work interval so that the targeted power matches that of the preceding interval (ie. simulating extending the interval).

Still, that’s definitely more of an edge case compared to adjusting the (%) intensity of the scheduled intervals up or down.

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