Is this new. Anyone else see this or am I special?
I am seeing a different version – “Want to Raise Your FTP?”. If I click on it, it just takes me to my career page. I am a subscriber, though, and it appears that this ad is geared towards those who aren’t subscribed to TrainerRoad but visit the forum often. I think TR is referring to the latest AI changes they made with the plans removing the plans, where it analyzes all your past workouts.
It is new and I see it too.
Ya it does take me to my acct . It does rotate. Nice shortcut .
Can’t it tell I’m already a subscriber? ( I guess not )
This has happened before: Try Plan Builder new "Ad" is kinda annoying - #61 by WTriathlete
It didn’t last long that time, but maybe they’ve changed their mind again.
I’ve also suddenly been getting frequent marketing emails for features I already use, but hey it’s fine, I just delete them.
Gone now for me
Yes im also getting frequent spam emails from TR
I’m not seeing any ads just now but I am getting a few emails just now that TR does xyz and I should sign up. Given I’m already a signed up member
I just noticed a ton of TR ad banners everywhere. Has somebody at TR HQ flipped a switch? Is there a way to turn it off, at least if you are a paying member. (No need to spam me, you already got my !
I’m seeing the same - I’ve also noticed a lot more promotional emails of a similar nature over the last few weeks. Not too bothered by that though, as I’m a ninja with the delete key…
I moved your post under one on the same topic from yesterday.
It’s their forum, so advertising their product doesn’t bother me. If they started advertising cialis and other prescriptions, then yes I’d be annoyed by it.
The banners have appeared for me now too urging me to sign up. Given I’m a paid up member its just annoying!
Saw them for a while, then they were gone this morning…now they’re back
Does this suggest that many forum users (or maybe lurkers) are not TR subscribers? I’d kinda assumed most people on here were TR users…
I am not sure they have this setup that automated / intelligently. Per the prior time we had the issue, it was a forum wide thing, not user specific or targeted.