I’m looking for a few people who would be happy to help me with a cycling specific hypnosis/mind based resource I’m putting together.
All I would need from you is an hour or so of your time for a call so that I can get some feedback about common issues/problems (physical and mental) regarding training/competing, etc. and you will get free access to the resource for some feedback.
I’m a Clinical and Performance Hypnotherapist based in the UK, and what I’m hoping to put together will be a really detailed resource which will provide huge benefits on and off the bike whether it’s to help training, during competition, as well as deliver health benefits/help with injuries, etc.
Thanks @mcneese.chad! My cock up, I should have mentioned in the first post that Id checked with Nate that it was ok to ask for help with this on the forum.
Had some really useful chats this week, thanks to everyone who has made time to talk with me. Still need 5 or so more people if anyone can help please. Cheers!!