I was wondering if there is a TR-like way to capture post-workout surveys for (any) workouts done on Garmin watches? Perhaps, I overlooked a Garmin built-in function or there is another solution …
(Apology for a little rant: why is Garmin not as good as TR is? Isn’t it a much bigger company, at least partly addressing training nerds like TR? As soon as great apps are available for the Apple/Samsung watches they be outgunned for athletes’ needs, I reckon. Garmin looks are nicely rugged though.
The whole reason TR uses post-workout surveys is to collect data to feed the AI / AT Algorithms to adapt your training plan, progression levels, and detect your FTP. It’s a very important piece of data for those to work correctly.
Looking at Garmin, you’re not even using them for a training plan, they’re not generating training recommendations in the same way, and they aren’t doing any of the AI/ML work to process your data in the same way (At least publicly and with the same business model as TR)
You can log into Garmin Connect and store notes on any workout if that’s what you want, but TR is an entirely different design or reason for collecting that data.
I do both of these too. I do it in Garmin first, to figure out which number I want to log in TP. I also add data on the ride and paste in the apps. Example from today:
Dry Peak 4x8@104%w3minRests
That’s what I was looking for. Unfortunately, it’s only available on Forerunners according to the Garmin website. Thus, I’ll have to wait for a software update for my Fenix.
Thanks for the nudge towards Garmin Connect! However, a prompt like in TR would have been exactly what I wanted. Looks like I have to stay with the original: TR
Interestingly, the Self Evaluation is available in Garmin Connect for my past indoor rides captured with Garmin but not for recent strength workouts captured by the same watch, for example. Oh, my Garmin …
Yes, it’s available for indoor cycling workouts captured with the Fenix. But it’s not available for other workout type like strength, even when captured with the Fenix. At least I haven’t found a way to enable it for strength workouts. However, not surprising given that Garmin has a history of allowing features for only subsets of their offering.
Actually, I was hoping to kind of copy the great TR experience for capturing RPE for other types of workouts like strength on my Garmin. For rides I am greatly covered by TR.